Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Face Painting Attack

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Students From Lifou, New Caledonia visit Balmoral!!

This morning we welcomed 3 teachers and 11 students from Laura Boula School in Lifou, New Caledonia to Balmoral. Even though the weather wasn't playing nice, our school band performed and we received some gifts from our new friends. I am sure they will have a great time visiting Balmoral and New Zealand.

So, what is the importance of cultural exchanges between schools? Write a comment and share your thoughts!

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

R Rates Movies And Songs With Inappropriate Content.... What's The Big Deal??!!

Hi Team,

So what is the big deal? We are gonna be old enough to watch and listen to them eventually so why does it matter when.... Censorship.
Often in the media you hear about people who behave in a certain way based on what they see at the movies or on TV and what they hear through lyrics of songs. Mainly it is a result of excessive violence and bad language. But if it doesn't affect you does it matter how it affects others?

Post a thoughtful comment about your views on this issue. If you don't care too much and think you're cool for doing these things all the time that is fine but think about the bigger picture...

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Mayor Len Brown visits Balmoral

This week we were lucky to have Len Brown visit our school to talk about the "Tick For Kids" campaign. He spoke to us about kids being a very important part of society. After he spoke he met with a small group to discuss issues that affect kids living in Central Auckland. 

Post a comment about the visit or leave a question that you may have had for Len or a concern about Auckland City. The photo above is of Seamus and Len having a stare off:-)

Friday, 16 August 2013

Ch..Ch..Ch..Ch..Ch..Chopper Challenge!!!

Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust - Chopper Challenge!!

Hi team,

It's nearly time for the Chopper Challenge and so you all need to get online and register!
Click on the link below to register and have a good look around the website. Remember this is one of our charities for the year and also a great way to get fit!  

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

A Wrinkle In Time


Madeleine L'Engle


A Wrinkle in Time is the story of Meg Murry, a high-school-aged girl who is transported on an adventure through time and space with her younger brother Charles Wallace and her friend Calvin O'Keefe to rescue her father, a gifted scientist, from the evil forces that hold him prisoner on another planet. At the beginning of the book, Meg is a homely, awkward, but loving girl, troubled by personal insecurities and her concern for her father, who has been missing for over a year. The plot begins with the arrival of Mrs. Whatsit at the Murry house on a dark and stormy evening. Although she looks like an eccentric tramp, she is actually a celestial creature with the ability to read Meg's thoughts. She startles Meg's mother by reassuring her of the existence of a tesseract--a sort of "wrinkle" in space and time. It is through this wrinkle that Meg and her companions will travel through the fifth dimension in search of Mr. Murry.
On the afternoon following Mrs. Whatsit's visit, Meg and Charles Wallace walk over to Mrs. Whatsit's cabin. On the way, they meet Calvin O'Keefe, a popular boy in Meg's school whom Charles considers a kindred spirit. The three children learn from Mrs. Whatsit and her friends Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which that the universe is threatened by a great evil called the Dark Thing and taking the form of a giant cloud, engulfing the stars around it. Several planets have already succumbed to this evil force, including Camazotz, the planet on which Mr. Murry is imprisoned.
The three Mrs. W's transport the children to Camazotz and instruct them to remain always in each other's company while on their quest for Mr. Murry. On Camazotz, all objects and places appear exactly alike because the whole planet must conform to the terrifying rhythmic pulsation of IT, a giant disembodied brain. Charles Wallace tries to fight IT with his exceptional intelligence but is overpowered by the evil and becomes a robot-like creature mouthing the words with which IT infuses him. Under the control of IT, Charles leads Meg and Calvin to Mr. Murry and together they confront IT. However, they, too, are unable to withstand IT's power; they escape only at the last minute, when Mr. Murry appears and seizes Meg and Calvin, "tessering" away with them (traveling via another tesseract) to a gray planet called Ixchel inhabited by tall, furry beasts who care for the travelers. Charles Wallace remains possessed by IT, a prisoner of Camazotz.
On Planet Ixchel the three Mrs. W's appear once again, and Meg realizes that she must travel alone back to Camazotz to rescue her brother. Mrs. Which tells her that she has one thing that IT does not have, and this will be her weapon against the evil. However, Meg must discover this weapon for herself. When standing in the presence of IT, Meg realizes what this is: her ability to love. Thus, by concentrating on her love for Charles Wallace, she is able to restore him to his true identity. Meg releases Charles from IT's clutches and tessers with him through time and space, landing in her twin brothers' vegetable garden on Earth, where her father and Calvin stand waiting. The family joyously reunites, and the Mrs. W's visit the happy scene en route to further travels.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Shinano Junior High School at Balmoral - 2013

Hi team,

So we have just had another group of students visit our school from our sister school Shinano Junior High School in Seto, Japan.

Although it was a very brief visit, we had the chance to interact with students from a very different culture and also give them an insight into the "Balmoral Way" and our Kiwi way of life.

What do you think are some of the differences between Japanese schools and New Zealand Schools?

Leave a comment:-)

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Marking in the tropics!!

Tuesday, 2 July 2013


Monday, 1 July 2013

The Balmoral Karakia

Learning the Balmoral Karakia is an essential part of our school's history. Let's learn a bit at a time and work on the correct pronunciation. Small steps at a time people!

Karakia Te Kura o Te Roto a Rangi

Tēnei mātou te whanau
o Te Kura o Te Roto a Rangi
Here we are the community and
family of Balmoral School

Whakakahangia mātou ki te
manaaki me te tiaki i ētahi atu
Strengthen us and our ability to
respect and look after others

Whakakaūngia mātou ki ā mātou
mahi katoa kia whakapūmautia
ai ngā akoranga o tēnei rā
Help us to persist in all that we do
so that we enjoy the benefits of
our learning

Tiakina hoki tō mātou kura me
tōna taiao
Help us to work together to look
after our school community and
its environment

Tihei mauriora
Life force!

Friday, 28 June 2013

Writing Machine + Instructional Writing

Hi team,

Writing Machine activated.... now chuck in some instructional language.... what do ya get??

Even awesomer writing!!

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Everyday We're Shuffling!!!!

Hi team,

Post your comments about Stepz Dance so far:-)

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Brian Falkner and a girl from Room 4.75!

Monday, 17 June 2013

Maths Problem For The Week - Peaches

Week 7 Rust Proofing - Maths

Friday, 14 June 2013

What Do Our Parents Think Of The Modern Learning Environment??

Hi parents,

During this term we are looking at different design options for the upcoming rebuild of our school. A basic explanation of a Modern Learning Environment or MLE is that rather than single cell classroom, we have larger spaces that more than 1 class of students will work in. Less walls and more "open plan" teaching and learning. This will mean that students will work with more than one teacher and in terms of the space, won't have their own desk and tray which in turn will not restrict them from always working in the same place. 

Already in our class we have moved the furniture and desks around to try to create different learning spaces and so far it has been working well. Having more than 30 students in one space will be a challenge for teachers and students and will mean that we have to change the way we work and learn.

What I would like from you is some feedback from you as parents to help us move forward. I have told the students that they can sit alongside you (your choice) while you write your feedback and I encourage you to be as open, detailed and critical as you like. 

You may wish to comment on space size and layout, noise, the classroom logistics, teaching styles, learning styles, technology, furniture and storage in your feedback.

Your child will direct you to the comment area to post your feedback.

Thanks for your support.
Kind regards,


Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Team Work....And A Couple Of Spoons!




What you looking at??

Harlem Shake Room 4 3/4 Style!!!

One of our first attempts!

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


Hi team,

Here is the link to the video clips

In the comment section write a summary of the events that happened in the clip, looking at things from different perspectives and points of view. Give your own opinions and personal experiences as well.

Remember not to look at any of the other clips at this point.

We will share these tomorrow morning. Deep thinking people......deep thinking:-)

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Brian Falkner at Balmoral

Today we were very fortunate to have author Brian Falkner visit our school and share his stories about how he came about writing some of his best-selling books. He shared some of his secrets to writing a "winner" story and gave us some pointers to help us with our writing. He also shared some technology and threw in some quick wit for good measure! Post a comment and let us know what you thought of Brian. Don't just talk about the headset either...haha

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Modelling My Writing

Hi team,

Here is the first draft of my writing today for you to look at, pull apart, get ideas from and critique. Post the next sentence(s) in the comment section.

The door swung open and the wind came gushing in. A man appeared in the doorway carrying what looked like a large bag, could have been a suitcase. He limped inside so as to move closer to the now blazing fire. As he removed the hood on his large jacket I could see his face. He looked exhausted. I gestured to him to take a seat on the old sofa and he gratefully obliged. The rusty kettle whistled like a locomotive so I took it from the stove and poured two cups of tea.

As the warm tea brought colour back to his seemingly frostbitten face, I noticed a small trickle of blood running down his cheek……

Monday, 27 May 2013

Mixalicious!!! it out!!!

Modern Learning Environment Video Link

Sunday, 26 May 2013

The Return Of The 25 Minute Challenge!

Hi team,

I wonder who has checked the blog....
This weekend's homework is to complete a piece of homework that takes you a minimum of 25 minutes. What you choose to do is completely up to you!! There are no rules and no boundaries....freedom of choice with no restrictions:-) Think outside the square!

Don't forget we are having a Rich Challenges check in tomorrow to see where you are all at. Hopefully a lot better than the Blues....another loss to the Brumbies:-P

See ya all tomorrow!

Nek Minnit........ This happened:-)

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Graffiti Creator

Hi team,

Have a play:-)

What What, What What!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Student Leaders for Balmoral School 2013

Hi team,

It is time to choose our student leaders for this year and what an exciting time it is!!

Here are the candidates:

Click this link to vote for 1 boy and 1 girl

You will need to to be logged into your Google Account to complete the voting process and you can only vote once. Remember to choose the "BEST" candidate for the job.

Thanks team and best of luck to all the candidates:-)

Friday, 17 May 2013

Floor Planner

Hi team,

Please sign up and have a play with this site over the weekend. Get familiar with the workings and design a space of your choice to get you into the feel of things.

Here is the link:

Happy planning:-)

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

The Modern Learning Environment

What do we know? What questions do we have?

As you start to think about the Modern Environment and how it will/should work post your questions or make statements in the comment box.

Start, Middle and End of the Day Greetings in Japanese

Hi team,

As you know we have started to learn Japanese language this term. It is exciting new learning for all of us and one of the first things that we need to do is learn basic greetings and some daily protocols.

This is the protocol for greeting and saying goodbye to teachers in the morning and afternoon.

- kiritsu
- ki o tsuke
- rei

- sensei ohayou gozaimasu/konnichi wa/sayounara

- chakuseki

Everyone can lead so practise this until you get it right.

Ganbatte kudasai (please try hard)

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

I'm watching you!!

Hi team!

Sitting at airport with my morning coffee in hand:-) I have left u in Sharon's capable hands and I expect you to behave even better than when you're with me. Remember to work hard on your rich task work and make it the best you can!! Detail and care is key:-)

Have a great end of term and remember Mary will be keeping me up to date. Look after each other, and Sharon, and I will reward you when I get back:-)

(King Chong of Rm4 3/4)

Friday, 12 April 2013

Is it ever right to do something wrong?

Hi team,

Today in Philosophy we discussed the question "Is it ever right to do something wrong?"
We talked about continuing to develop a deeper level of thought and give examples.

Like I said, on Monday I will print off your comments so make sure there is something there for me to print off:-)

Also just use your name, nothing else!

I look forward to your responses. May the force be with you!

Monday, 8 April 2013

Wasssup Doggggg!

Hi team,

I am glad that you are using Sumdog for maths maintenance and enjoyment and it is great to check your progress. Keep up the awesome work!

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Music....makes the people.....come together!!

What an awesome surprise to walk into the music room today and see you guys making instruments! Akka-awesome:-)

Here is some of the action so far!

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Forget I Am Legend.....I Am Foooood!!!!

Hi team,

Some amazing writing today! I was very impressed:-)
Here is the picture for you to look at over the break. Make sure your writing is ready for the template on Wednesday and don't forget your PE gear and sport shoes for the BEEP TEST....otherwise Frank will tell you off!

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Guns... What Are They Good For?

During philosophy today we looked at an article about Yoko Ono and her recent stance on gun control in the US. She recently tweeted a controversial photo of her late husband John Lennon's blood-stained glasses in response to the shocking amount of deaths from gun related incidences.

So what do we think??

Post a comment justifying why gun laws in the US should be tightened.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Caaaaaaammmmmppppp 2013 - Piha

After all our planning and organisation, Camp 2013 - Piha went off without a hitch! The weather was perfect and the students were even better!!

I was really proud of how well Room 4 3/4 worked as a team and looked after each other. Well done:-)

Check out some of the action below and post a comment!