Friday, 12 April 2013

Is it ever right to do something wrong?

Hi team,

Today in Philosophy we discussed the question "Is it ever right to do something wrong?"
We talked about continuing to develop a deeper level of thought and give examples.

Like I said, on Monday I will print off your comments so make sure there is something there for me to print off:-)

Also just use your name, nothing else!

I look forward to your responses. May the force be with you!


Lucy said...

I think that it is right to do something wrong, and these are my three reasons why.
Firstly, my text relates to 'The boy in striped pajamas' a book about the war. Bruno makes friends with a boy called Schmuel, and he is a Jew, therefore in the concentration camp. His father doesn't like it he thinks it is wrong, but Bruno does it because he is lonley.
Second, when Marie Antoinette was alive, she said let them eat cake! Then they cut off her head, so they couldn't eat cake, so they might of starved.People doing something wrong.

Thirdly, if a robber is robbing a house, he might have a purpose, like his family was poor, or starved. He could have a reason. He is doing something that he thinks good for him, but bad for the persons house. Two versions of right.

Does anyone agree with me????

Angeline said...

It actually depends on the situation and if the wrong is getting a question wrong in a test that's OK but if it is like bullying then that is wrong. I agree mostly with Lucy but I disagree with the 3rd statement because robbing a house if you are poor is depriving some other people of their own stuff and if you get caught and go to jail then your family would be poorer and probably die. People are more important than things so if you bash someone's door down in order to save them from a fire it is OK and anyway the house is already burn't
TTFN ^o^

Rozhina said...

It is always right to do something wrong but it depends how bad it is. For example if you killed your own niece just because you don't have a child you don't have the right to kill her. Another example is if you were at a food court and your friend is choking and you go and grab the water from a shop without paying, you did a right thing and something wrong but it doesn't matter because you saved someones life. Humans are more important than little objects.

FrankTheMan said...

I think that it is sometimes right to do something wrong. For example you have to kill your dog because it is really sick, its wrong but right at the same time or cutting a strangers leg of because they are trapped or something.

Bryan said...

It depends on what the situation is, for instance, if you cheat by looking at someone else's test, that is wrong.But if you are facing a enemy and you need to protect a friend, you would need to lie in to save someone's life.

Aly :) said...

I think it is right to do something wrong sometimes Like Frank said, if you have to put an animal down because it is really sick it's wrong because you are killing it but it's right because you are putting it out of it's misery

Ella!!!! said...

I think it is right to do something wrong if someone or something is going to benefit from it for example,Robin hood stealing from the rich to give to the poor.Or killing a snail that's in a lot of pain.

ZackTheBoss said...

I think it is right because if you do something wrong in the past it could effect your future (in a good way) and if you don't have wrong things in your past it won't be fun.

Sanjilah said...

I think its right to do something wrong sometimes if its to save someone elses life. Or if its to help them.

noah said...

I think yes because if u always get everything right there's no room for improvement and if there's no room for improvement there's no learning which would be boring.

matt said...

I think it it right to do something wrong.e.g. to put yourself at risk but save lots of others peoples lives.

Karkeat said...

Yes it depends because you may be doing something wrong to help/defend someone?

luke said...

Yes,because mistakes happen in life and you learn from them and without mistakes there will be nothing to learn.

Also in life you choose to make a mistake to help someone e.g push someone who is about to get ran over(like the Shortland street episode) is doing something wrong to do something right to help them.

Aidan said...

I think it is sometimes right to do something wrong because if you save someone by having to break a window, that is right. But if you hit someone because they hit is something wrong

Anonymous said...
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Jenny said...

i think it is right to do something wrong because people will learn by the mistake they did.

Lawrence said...

My answer is based off of Robin Hood, so robin steals stuff from the king but it is to help the poor so it's right in one way but not the other . so my answer is inconclusive.

For Now

Someone secret said...

I disagree with every comment so far