Friday, 28 June 2013

Writing Machine + Instructional Writing

Hi team,

Writing Machine activated.... now chuck in some instructional language.... what do ya get??

Even awesomer writing!!


Bryan said...

A robber is trying to steal a TV.
1.Go steal a invitation.
Thief:"got one."
2.Now go in the room and go left.
Narrator:There is a door.
3.Open the door.
Thief:"It's locked! It won't budge."
4.Find a key. Check the tables.
Narrator:You found a key and slipped it in your pocket.
5.Use key on door.
Thief:"I think this is the wrong key."
6.Go left.
Narrator:There are two doors.One said 'countryside dance',the other said 'closet'.
7.Enter 'countryside disco'.
Narrator:The disco is empty.
8. Go to the far side of the room use key on the door.
Thief:"it worked!"
9.Grab the skeleton key and get out of that room.
10. Now use the skeleton key on the closet door.
Thief:".....What is that?
11. It is a laser gun. Zap any Intruders possible.
Narrator:Suddenly two agents came out.
First Agent:"Hey you on the list"?
Second Agent:"Looks like he got a laser gun."
12.Quick shoot them!
Narrator:There was a zap and two ear-splitting shrieks.
13.Now take the first agent's key.
Narrator: You searched the the body and found a small blue key.
14.Use key on the left door.
Thief finally.
Narrator:You stole the TV and ran out.
The End

Zack said...

I am a highly skilled thief that has been searching on the internet for the Crimson Ruby Jewel. It is being help at a night club guarded by steroid fed guards. The intercom crackles and my boss tells me to get the jewel. With a hushed voice I reply saying "yes boss." With a pliers firmly grasped in my hand I cut the fence and enter. At the moment Auditions are being held at the club. "I have infiltrated the designated area". I say. "OK now go and get the jewel" my boss replies. I climb up to the top of the building and sneak inside. I gingerly cut open the sealed case that guards the gem and take the gem. The guards enter the room as the alarm rings. The gem and I were no where to be found. In a few minutes on channel 82 a news reporter arrives at the crime scene and starts ordering her crew to film. But this wasn't a legit reported. It was my boss. I am in the news van crawling to the most concealed place. We have succeeded in stealing the gem.

Jason said...


Jenny said...

'Thanks for coming to the store,' said Daniel with a big smile. Another person came inand looked at the counter, then he walked to the walked to the back of the store. Suddenly he came up to Daniel with a knife 'Give me all your money!' he shouted. Danielwas so scard, he got some of his money and gave it to the thief. Daniel had no choice he didn't want to be stabbed with a knife.'ALL!' he shouted louder. Daniel took a ahnd full of money abd dropped it on the ground, then he gave the rest to the thief.Suddenly the police came racing down the stree. The thif heard the police coming so he ran as fast as he could.The police came in and Daniel said the thief ran that way, he pointed to the path down the street.Some of the police went runing to catch the thief.Two of the police went in to the car and started driving.The police finally they caught the thief, they got out the handcuffs and quickly handcuffed the thief.Back at the store, the police returned the money back to Daniel.'Thanks,' said Daneil
'It's our job,' said the police with a smile.
The next day Danile saw a murder at thye ouddle so he called the police.A few minutes later the police arrived. Thanks to Daniel.

Rozhina said...

It was a sunny Sunday morning, the birds were chirping, the wind was blowing and the sun was shining like a million stars in the sky. Amanda was rushing to practice, being a flight attendant you need to do a lot of studying.

Amanda was never lucky and this Sunday her luck was no different than all the other days. She got in her car and tried to start it but it just wouldn't budge it. "OH NO! The battery again! This is the second time this week I have to change it!" Amanda sighed and made her way to the bus stop like usual. She started to study for her test that was coming up. "STEP 1: Always look neat and tidy and wear the proper uniform." STEP 2: Always be kind even if the passenger is very annoying. STEP 3: DO NOT FALL ASLEEP DURING WORK HOURS."

As Amanda continued her studying she suddenly heard a "BOOM!" and next minute it started hailing. "Unlucky Amanda!" she said to herself. "I would have loved to stay home and watch a movie about crime and murder with some popcorn but that has only happened in my dreams."

Finally the bus arrived, as she went on the bus she saw Mr Stands the bus driver like usual. "Hello Amanda broken car again and all those books let me guess for a test ey?" "Well good luck on it and remember my saying be strong and sharp like a sword!" "Thank you Mr Stand I will try but like always I don't have luck."

When the bus stopped Amanda ran to her class and like always her teacher started yelling. "You are 20 minutes late Amanda that is a new late record now hurry up, sit down and get ready for your test!" Amanda did what she was told and hoped that her luck would change tomorrow.

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Malyaa said...

The days is finally here! The thing is though, I'm life guard in a tennis court. Pretty sure that's not quite normal. Anyway lets get back to business! I am waiting for a call from Steven, he's going to give me instructions to win the motorbike race. I'm gonna go and buy a cheese sandwich to fill my hunger. As the steam clears I figure out who it was behind the counter. It was Steven. " listen up! " He says in a roaring voice. Take this earpiece and beanie. Oh and put it under the beanie so no one can see it. The grill started to cool down. " Make sure you don't get caught my boy!" People started arriving. I quickly got on my bike and roared the engine. That's gives me more confidence you see. At the start line, I started worrying, how would he know where I am. Then a voice. " Oh and forgot to tell you, I know you where you are, I put a camera on you helmet!" Beep, beep, beep....Shoot! The false gun shot in the air! " Straight, right, next left then straight. I know this place from the back of my head. Right when you get to the finish line keep your bike on so it looks like you just arrived!"

Lawrence said...

This is Jane Luskum reporting live from club 18 where Ironman has inturrupted a school ball to look for alien frequencys he had to fly down and bust a hole in the roof,oh an alien had to crash on on Ironman he's getting up his repulsors seem to be dead , a janitor has thrown him pliers he has to catch them carefully ,oh wow Ironman has cut the aliens head off in a straight line oh shoot the police have arrived they are probably going to ask us to leave this is Jane Luskum signing out to all have a good night.

Sanjilah said...

The sounds of screams and laughter rang in my ears.Children was everywhere,sliding down slides,swinging on swings and climbing on monkey bars.All of those midgets are being happy happy.How annoying."Jared why don't you do something useful instead of standing there and staring at kids like a pedo.I turned around and saw it was Eren.You know theres always this annoying person with you that always bosses you around.Yeah thats Eren."Hmm I know what you can do first of all spit out that gum.Then you can help me remove the topsoil from that area".I spat out my gum.Grabbed a shovel and we started digging out the topsoil.30 minutes later all of the topsoil was gone."Ok now thats done", next lay down some bitumen over there and then help those guys put in concrete over there.Then dig up those roads there got it?" "got it..." I repeated.I started laying down some bitumen over a gravel road.I went over and helped to pour in some concrete in a hole then spreaded the concrete with a concrete tamper.Then finished of with edgers and groovers.Then I dag up some roads.Hours passed and I was stumped."It's getting late guys" a loud voice said."You can all go home now.".As I was about to go home a blue flyer fell down near my feet I picked it up,and in bold letters it said AUDTIONS.

Aidan said...

At the Auckland airport there was a man. His name was Daniel. He was tall with short black hair.

He was attending a flight down to Wellington. "Could all passengers flying to Wellington please start boarding" Said a voice over the interom.

"Thats me" Dan said in his usual loud voice. He quickly rushed towards the gate. He boarded the plane and turned on the T.V. He sat there for a short 30 minutes and then left the plane.

He left the airport to find his pal Leo. Leo was a midget with bright blue eyes and short sandy hair.

"Hey Leo" Dan said happily. Leo looked to his right and replied "Hi Dan" Dan looked around observing the enviroment. "So this is Wellington" He asked. "Yep" Leo replied. "Just asking are you coming to my party because if you are follow me"

Dan followed Leo outside to see bright green plants and white clouds. As Dan was walking he saw lots of piles of dirt. "Whys there so much dirt" Dan asked. "Just ingore it and follow me" Leo replied.

kiriko said...

Part 1

It was hailing. A cold dark night had finally come. "Handcuffs!" the
police officer ordered,"Keys,jacket,gumboots,hat!"he continued. Our boss was leaving tonight, the echoes of his footsteps, I would never forget.

Aly :) said...

"Are you almost here yet?" asked the navy officer as massive beach balls went over the crowd at the concert. "No i'm lost backstage said a mysterious voice on the other end of the phone. " you must listen carefully go to the changing rooms turn left and meet me by the back door." Instructed the navy officer. the navy officer headed to the back door. the navy officer stepped outside out from the gloomy shadows "hands up and put your hands up and stand against the wall." instructed THE SEVE. suddenly the lights whent out at the concert and everyone went silent then a video appeared on the big screens. " here I have Americas head navy officer he has been working with one directions manager for a while now. Somewhere inthis stadium is a bomb it is due to explode in approximately 5 minutes you all should leave right now unless you want to die!!!" there was lots of screaming about 5 minutes later ther was a gigantic BOOM.

Matt said...

I woke up aching.I was tired.I got up getting ready for another long day at the dairy.At the dairy I told three hefty men outside that the dairy opens in an hour.The three men still walked in.The saw Iron man on the TV and demanded were is he.I replied firmly i don't know.the biggest of the group said we will leave but we will find him.A few minutes later i went outside to the playground feeling relived that they had left.I told two kids to move out the way but they refused and said you move.I murmured to my self saying fine. i saw a party through the window seeing how much fun THEY were having.

Frank said...

I'm a dairy man,i'm poor & I don't do much for a living. One day I was told by my boss to go down to the park and sell off any chewing gum left in the shop. So I went down and asked the children if they wanted to buy any."Hey midgets do you want to buy any amazing chewing gum?",Then they all started crying.'what? its just chewing gum' I thought to myself."HEY!" yelled out one of the parents." who do you think you are calling our children midgets!"
"ummm i'm sorry" I said.
" its to late to apologize"he said.
"lets get him 1st we punch him 2nd we kick him and 3rd we steal his gum!"And thats all I can remember

Anonymous said...


moustachio said...

We had finally arrived at London Zoo. I was so excited. We all crowded out of the bus and i briefly thanked the bus driver on the way out. My best friend at my side,we walked to the front gate dodging chewing gum stuck on the concrete. Even Mrs Crow looked excited, and she's never excited about anything, or it could have just been the fact she had a coffee in her hands. "Huddle together, everybody," called out Mr Hantler through the loud speaker. "I don't want to shout. Ok now you're all here, these are your groups. Remember them because I'm not going to say them twice. Group no. 1: Tom, Philip, Daniel, Lucy, Lily, Holly, got that, good. Group no. 2: Sabine, Jesse, Rebecca, Charlie, Jeremy. Group no. 3: Isla, Fleur, Rose, Scott, John, Nigel. Get into your groups. Ok now it's a race to the lion's cage and the first person to get there with all their group members wins. Go past the flamingos, around the monkeys cage, past the playground, and lastly around the kangaroos. Okay on your marks...get set...GOOOOO!!!!!!!

Lucy said...

I que up behind a man who wears a knit jumper and and gumboots, as if he's going to get wet. Pfft! This was the new aviator ride at The Boardwalk, California.

The line slugged forward like a snail. A seagull had landed on the hand rail and was cawing monotonously. I was thinking about the fight I saw yesterday in the boxing ring. Little things like this helped the line not look like a million miles long.

"Aboard the plane please" A man with a crisp white uniform said formally.
"Move along, please"
I scrambled up the pristine white steps, everything was soooo clean.
A hot F.A chauffeured me to my seat.
"No cigarettes please and tighten your seat belts" the F.As voice was heavily accented in French.
I plopped myself onto the airline chair and relaxed.
"Tighten your seat belts please, it will be a bumpy ride!"

Cam said...

As i sprinted across the country side chasing a mass murderer. I shouted “get back here or ill have to use violence””you can’t catch me hahahaaa” he shouted back.I had to catch him.Up ahead i could see a fence and a road after that.I know , i could call back up”grrrrrrrr “”its police officer 69 im chasing down jeremy jenkins i need back up come to the hall on marvel road”
“We're on our way”He’s closing in on the fence i need to catch him”weho weho” screeched the surrounds,Jeremy turned around to face me,hes trapped “put your hands in the air” i pulled out my handcuffs and put him in the back of the cop car.
job done.