Wednesday, 18 September 2013

R Rates Movies And Songs With Inappropriate Content.... What's The Big Deal??!!

Hi Team,

So what is the big deal? We are gonna be old enough to watch and listen to them eventually so why does it matter when.... Censorship.
Often in the media you hear about people who behave in a certain way based on what they see at the movies or on TV and what they hear through lyrics of songs. Mainly it is a result of excessive violence and bad language. But if it doesn't affect you does it matter how it affects others?

Post a thoughtful comment about your views on this issue. If you don't care too much and think you're cool for doing these things all the time that is fine but think about the bigger picture...


Rozhina said...

I think that it does affect others because you are more affecting them than yourself because they are the ones that have been hurt either by words and other violent acts.
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Luyc said...

I think it does because some people might be sensitive to things like that and they might get SCARRED FOR LIFE..............
Some people might get, like angry because they heard those words and might start taking it out on harmless little, innocent people.


Bryan said...

People want to prove people that they are cool by watching movies that are more than their age but we are not mature enough to deal with these things.

Julie-Anna Child said...

This is an interesting conundrum. In simple terms it all comes back to brain function. (groan here she goes again, Jules and how the body and brain works)

Sometimes 11 and 12year olds think they're ready to do, see or hear things that adults are allowed to do and see and hear. In fact we all probably need to trust the experts who have done years of study before they were appointed as censors and Principals and doctors and scientists.

Perfect example: I messed up royally a couple of weeks ago, I wanted my classes to sign up to Lumosity the other day and then found out you had to be 13 to use the website. VERY EMBARRASSED JULES. That might seem a bit daft, being an amazing website to improve brain function. However, 13 is a key age where the human brain takes a huge leap forward in how it works.

Lumosity is a website offering cool-as games and it is also gathering data on how our brains work from 50 million participants around the globe. It is researching how to stop the onset of Alsheimers in older people, so the research they are doing is valuable.

So, if Lumosity had 11 year olds doing the tests when they shouldn't be, that would skew the data they're collecting about what they think is a 13 year old brain, and the conclusions the scientists would come to about 13 year old brains would be inaccurate...So no more Lumosity till you are 13.

I have to grudgingly concede I think we need to trust the censors and the highly qualified experts on issues around when you are ready to do and see stuff.

You don't just need knowledge, you also need experience and maturity to match that knowledge in order to keep explicit and mature content in songs and films in proper perspective.

Your brain and body maturity can't be hurried along even if you want to grow up faster than you are. Human beings have vulnerable offspring that have the longest period of immaturity (where the parent must protect them) in the whole primate family, 18 years. That's the price of having such a complex big brain; it takes a great deal longer for that brain to reach maturity.

Actually, it's now thought the frontal lobe is not fully formed until a person reaches 25 years old! That's the area of the brain used for control of risk, consequential thought, risk assessment and planning ahead. So any argument that a young person under the age of 25 can manage themselves well and make excellent decisions, is frankly dead in the water.

Your teachers and parents have the programming, experience and 'hardwiring' to protect children. That's our mission in life. To keep you safe for long enough that your brains can grow to full maturity, undamaged. Then you can be let loose in the world to make good decisions for yourselves. When you are 25 that is !

Ratul said...

i watched a movie called "THE LAST STAND " it had a LOT and I mean a LOT of swearing. I watched it with 2 friends about my age and a 20+ yr old friend.
nothing really apened after the movie it was like all the other times people watch a movie the movie finished and we thought it was cool.