Thursday, 22 August 2013

Mayor Len Brown visits Balmoral

This week we were lucky to have Len Brown visit our school to talk about the "Tick For Kids" campaign. He spoke to us about kids being a very important part of society. After he spoke he met with a small group to discuss issues that affect kids living in Central Auckland. 

Post a comment about the visit or leave a question that you may have had for Len or a concern about Auckland City. The photo above is of Seamus and Len having a stare off:-)


Aly :) said...

Len Brown's visit was quite exciting!!!!!! His song that he sang to us waas a bit out of tune but still good but then again he was usless at high fives!!!

Zack said...

He should try out for the New Zealand X Factor.

Rozhina said...

I was really happy to meet the mayor of Auckland, it was really nice that he had the guts to sing in front of all the intermediate students.
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Malyaa said...

When I had to talk to him. He really tried his best to listen to all of the problems from our perspective.

Frank said...

He said our school song was Hall Of Fame -_-

Matt said...

He was ok at singing. He thought that our school song was Hall Of Fame lol.
he high fived us but his hand smelt realy wierd.

Bryan said...

Because of him, We can't buy houses that are in Epsom and the rates over there are HUGE.

Anonymous said...

KarKeat said...

I liked his singing but it was awkward because he was the only one singing....Also he thought our school song was Hall of fame haha.I dont have any questions.......