Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Music....makes the people.....come together!!

What an awesome surprise to walk into the music room today and see you guys making instruments! Akka-awesome:-)

Here is some of the action so far!


Rozhina said...

Music is sooooooo amazing,exciting and challenging at the same time, but that's what makes it special. I'm pretty sure making the instrument is not any easier. LOVE MUSIC!!!

MONICA said...

Music is FUN because Craig doesn't talk that much so it gives us more time to play the drums and stuff like that.


Bryan said...

The concept of music was invented for a reason, and I think that reason is to have fun.I like having Craig as my music teacher as he is way better than my music teacher back at my school. I love the elephant pipe because it's easy and fun to make and it actually imitates the elephant itself!I'm looking more fun activities in this awesome music room.

Aly :) said...

I find music sooooo much fun because making your own instrument is very challenging but in the end you come out with an amazing instrument.

Thankyou sososososososo much Craig for making this possible

Ella said...

I wasn't actually in this lesson but it still looks like a whole lot of fun.
Thank you Craig.

noah said...

Music is so fun because WE are making INSTRUMENTS plus Craig is so fun!!!!!

matt said...

cool i love music and it is great fun building or repairing instruments

Karkeat said...

Music as awesome and fun its so interesting knowing new instruments

Aidan said...

I think it is really fun making instruments. Especially when you get to play them.

Jenny said...

Making intruments are fun and challenging for some people it is fun to know lots of other intruments