Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Youth Drinking in New Zealand

Question: "In light of another teenage death involving underage drinking, is there more we can do to prevent these tragedies??
What do we think?? Post a comment.

Link to view article from student's mother -


James said...

i think the only way to stop these tragedies is to discipline kids more about alcohol.

Luke said...

I think to stop more alcohol related deaths we should teach more about the effects of alcohol and warn against drinking under age

oscar said...

To stop these incidents i think we should increase drinking laws and make the bars more strict

Riki said...

To stop this problem, I believe that we need to toughen drinking laws and teach people about the effects of drinking & alcohol.

claudia said...

I think under aged drinking is quite a big problem, and needs to be stopped by teaching the bad consequences of it and also making the laws stricter.

Matthew.w said...

I think that the laws should be streaker by putting up the age limit to stop deaths.

Saul said...

I think that what we need to stop this problem is. To either raise the drinking age, show them the consequences and Have who every is selling this alcohol or the law to become more strict.

Mona said...

For stopping this, I think we should try to stop people making alcohol and ban them and have stricter laws.

madison said...

I think that the driving test is to be made more strict. Consequences for car accidents should be made more bigger, because not all driving accidents are from youngsters.

holly said...

To stop drunk driving, schools should help teenagers learn about drunk driving the problems that it causes in the community and how it effects them physically and mentally.

Jade said...

CLearly, some people are not getting the message. I agree that we should teach them about the effects of drinking, but I think they would just ignore it. So if they don't take it seriously, it's their own life at risk.

Trish said...

Hi, firstly your blog is looking fantastic and it is great to see so many of you leaving comments. Congratulations room 4.

I find your comments really interesting. You seem to refer to laws and restrictions a lot. In some countries alcohol is not quite the problem it is here, and people start drinking sensibly at a young age.

Should the individual, family or society be responsible for this problem?

Margaret-Rae said...

i toatally agree with what people have been saying but like jade said their just ignoring it, maybe we should have a toatally different approach because one reason they drink is because they're not allowed to. now im not saying that they should be allowed to drink but maybe we should think of a new stratergie towards thi ssubject

margaret said...

another thing is, is that people keep on saying that they should make the laws stricter but they topic is about under age teens so raising the age limit will do nothing because the youngsters r breaking the law now so by making it stricter it wont stop them

Charlotte said...

I think schools should help children and teach them of the consequences. I also think that if any one does drink they should talk to people

Sagar said...

I think that the drinking age should be higher.

Carol said...

Ithink it's for the best if the driving age moves up it will have a better impact and have less car crashes

Cate said...

I think the parents should teach kids about what it can do to you and how much you should drink.

Hrishi said...

I think they should "actually" check for ID before they give to any kid who is willing to pay extra....Greedy owners

suzanne from england said...

I think the media should start reporting fairly. It would be interesting to find out the percentage of drunk drivers in all the age groups. There are many adults who drive home after Friday drinks who perhaps need to look at their behaviour too. Drunk driving is not just something teenagers do, they just get more publicity. I think it it would be great if schools taught teenagers to drive for free to increase the driving skills of everybody.

Katie said...

I think the age limit should go higher and teach your kids to be more safe and tell them what can happen if you get drunk.