Wednesday, 26 May 2010

A Goblin's Tale

Today our school was visited by a group of performers who put on a show called "A Goblin's Tale". Although the performance was pitched at a younger age than our class, it raised some important points about making assertive decisions, setting goals and striving to achieve them, peer pressure, and bullying. These issues can be achieved and overcome by using the "Balmoral Habits" of Managing Self, Persisting, Creativity, Communication and Thinking.

Post a comment relating to some of the issues raised in the performance. Remember we are trying to develop a higher level of critical thinking so think about your comments:-)


Luke said...

I think you should not put down other people about anything that they want to do and if you see someone who needs help then help them

James said...

I think people should not Listen to people who put people down and they should continue to follow their dreams no matter what.

Oscar said...

People shouldn't just brush others away like nothing but they should listen to there ideas, and always follow your dream and keep it pure.

Jess said...

I think we should still listen to other people but mainly we have to listen to our heart and decide if what they say is true if not then use the magic shield like the knight.

p.s: It's their not there..

Jade said...

You can easily feel intimidated by bullies and we've probably been bullied at least once in our lives so we know how it feels. If you see someone being bullied, it's natural to ignore it and not do anything about it since the bullies will direct their attention onto you instead. But think about how you would feel if you were being bullied. You have to stand up for what you think is right. Don't let bullies rule your life!!!

Holly said...

When people bully it can mean many things such as they are intimidated by whoever they are bulling, they are insecure and many more.
if you are being bulled dont let the words get to you "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" is a saying adults may use,
this does not always work so make sure you have your "magic invisible shield" with you at all time
to shield you from things people may say to you with either out thinking or meaning it.
Peer pressure is also be a type of bulling your friends may gang against you to make you get what they want.

Also make you goals in life do able base them on what you can do lets face it we are not all going to be president or in this case prime minster.
If you say "i want to be a millionaire" and base your life on being one you may become one, but you may also miss out on other opportunity's like a family.
If you do succeed with your goals then your next goal should be higher
but always remember to keep them realistic (what you can actually to)

Holly said...

There are a lot of reasons why children bully. They may see it as a way of being popular, showing off, or making themselves look tough. Some children bully to get attention, and some just like making other people feel afraid of them. Others might be jealous of the person they are bullying, or might be being bullied themselves. They may not even realize that what they are doing is wrong and how it makes their victims feel.
this is from a website called
it can help you with being bullied or some helpful info on our to stop it.

Charlotte said...

I think that listening to your heart is true and that you should always do that no matter what other people say or do to you

Katie said...

I think that if you love something but people dont think you should do it so just dont listen what other people say just listen to your heart. :)

Cate said...

People need to belivie in themself and not listen to people that put you down.

Unknown said...

If people are getting bullied then they should just not listen to them and stay calm.

Finn said...

I think this is all quite corny
but do what you want to do and if your being bullied then sort it out with help

REUBEN!!!!1!! said...

The show was pretty lame but it had a lot of relevant content (hopefully that makes sense) like don't give in 2 peer pressure, don't put up with bullying, dont listen 2 put downs, and a lot more i cant be bothered listing :)

Shanika said...

I think the message that the performers were trying to put through in the performance was informative and relevant as it showed bravery and how to deal with peer pressure in a way the little kids especially could relate to :)

matt said...

i think that people should listen to peoples ideas no matter what they are.

Claudia said...

I think the show was good for the little kids because it helped them understand to believe in them selfs and not put up with people telling them what and what they can't do.