Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Increase In The Price of Cigarettes

Question: "Will the price increase in cigarettes lower the number of people smoking or will they sacrifice other things to pay for their habit?"
What do we think?? Post a comment.


Oscar said...

I think it will make smoking a bit less common around Auckland and it a really good idea

James said...

i think it will make people think more about stopping but some people will just sacrifice other things
so it will be good for almost everyone

Luke said...

I think that it will provoke hard-out smokers to sell lots of there things to smoke but non-serious smokers will quit.

Hrishi said...

I think those hard out snokers will still smoke even if the price goes up, whereas others might quit. But like Oscar said there wil definately be less smokers in Auckland

Holly said...

Raising the price of cigarettes will half be good and half be bad
good because it may help people to quit.
Bad because if they are truly addicted they may put buying cigarettes before their family and may even turn to gambling to get the money.

Charlotte said...

I agree with Holly that raising the price is quite good because it might help people to stop and realise that they are wasting all their money on an obsession

MATT said...

rasing the price of cigarettes will be good and bad because it will stop more deaths and people losing money

Brooke said...

hi guys its brooke from room 7 :)

i think they should higher the price because if people are losing money then it will stop them buying it , and thats a good thing .........

Masumi said...

i don't think increasing the price will have much effect on people smoking because it's an addiction and people would want to drink at any cost.

BROOKE said...

yeah , but if they cant afford it its more likely that they wont get it.

Unknown said...

I think it might actually work because after a while the smokers will realize that they are wasting their money and then they will stop.

Katie said...

Well I guess if you are so in love with cigarettes and dont plan on quiting they will probably not stop. But on the other yes some people will not want to pay so much and not get them anymore so yeah thats good! :)

Cate said...

It will low the rate of people who smoke.

REUBEN!!!1!! said...

smoking isn't good, it ruins your lungs and everything and it eats up your money so i reckon shops should just cut ciggies all together so ppl dont die from lung cancer and other easily prevented diseases... :)

Claudia said...

Putting up the price is a good thing because hopefully more people will start quitting.I still think they could do more like taking them fully away but being realistic that is most likely not going to happen due to ciggie companies wanting their large money profits even though it would help the individual spending the money on more important things and decreasing lung cancer and other sicknesses.