Friday, 21 May 2010

"Saying Yes"

This week we analyzed the film "Yes Man" starring Jim Carrey.

The film is about a bank employee Carl Allen who has become withdrawn and preoccupied with his personal life since his divorce from ex-wife Stephanie. Routinely ignoring his friends Pete and Rooney for hangouts at their local bar where Stephanie regularly visits, he has grown used to spending his spare time watching DVDs alone in his apartment, and has an increasingly negative outlook on life. One day, Nick, an old colleague of Carl's suggests that he goes to a "Yes!" seminar with him, which encourages its attendants to seize the opportunity to say "Yes!" Carl considers the option, but subsequently misses Pete's engagement party at the bar. An irate Pete turns up at his house and berates him, telling him that he will end up completely lonely if he doesn't change his life around. Carl decides to attend the seminar and he meets inspirational guru Terrence Bundley, who publicly browbeats him into making a covenant with himself. Carl reluctantly promises to stop being a "No Man" and vows to answer "Yes!" to every opportunity, request or invitation that presents itself thereafter.

What do we think about the power of saying "Yes".... How can saying a simple three letter word be so powerful and affect our lives?
Write a comment!!


matt p said...

yes can make you live life in a good way

Oscar said...

yes is good and bad so dont use it to much

Finn said...

In the movie if the girl had told him told Carl to commit suicide after they broke up he would have had to. You control your body so make the right choices.

Charlotte said...

I thik that saying yes to most things is great but if you say yes to random things without thinking it can take bad turn in your life that can make things hard for you.

MATT said...

i think saying yes is a good thing but some times u just need to say NO!!

James said...

I think that yes is a good word but you need to choose the times to use it.

Glenda said...

Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it (Charles Swindell) Saying YES and acting on it empowers us and puts a bounce in our step :) - very very cool blogspot Matt - WELL DONE!!!

REUBEN!!!1!! said...

Yea, it can influence ur life in a good way, but he ended up in a bad situation...

P.S i agree wit finn (4 once!!) she dd tell him 2 jump off a cliff and he did... With a bungee tho!! :D

P.P.S Glenda is my mum... She found our blog matt we should change our address

Jakob said...

I think that saying yes to more things in life can give a person a more positive feeling/outlook in life.

I also agree with charlotte, Matt and James how you also sometimes just need to say no!

Hrishi said...

I think saying yes will let you explore more of life and give you a good feeling, but I also agree with Finn about how you control your actions and chocies

Jade said...

While the word "yes" can make you more confident and feel better about yourself, it also depends on what you're saying yes to. For example, if someone asked you to smuggle drugs or something, it would be a stupid idea to agree to help them because you know it's illegal. So you can't just say yes to everything, you would have to think about the consequences.

Shanika said...

I agree with Jade

although the word yes is such a small thing it can make a big impact on someones life in both good and bad ways.

In a way saying yes to people and opportunity's can be a good thing as it gives you scence self esteem and a good will.

in another light , saying no to somthing you dont want to take part in shows a virtue of assertiveness and bravery which i think takes more guts then always saying yes :)

Modified Moo Cow said...

Saying Yes can give you a positive view on how you see life, but using it in the wrong situations and not having control of when you say it to what you say it may be a bad thing.

-No, it's NOT Ashwin~

Luke said...

I think you should use the word yes when you mean it but say no when you have to

Jess said...

I Agree with Luke.

keti said...

Hey it's me keti from room 3
saying yes all the time is not good.only use the word yes at a positve.

Keti said...

Hi it's me Keti. Dont use the word yes all the time. use when you need it.

Katie said...

I think well i agree with keti just say yes when you need to dont say yes because you have to!

Cate said...

Yes is a good and bad word becouse you can dig yourself a hole if you say yes all the time.

Unknown said...

Saying yes is good sometimes but you should also say no if thats not what you want.

Claudia said...

I think trying to say yes to most things is good because you can try new things and live life to its full,but its also important to say no to things that put you in any danger ,harm or that will make your life harder then it should be.

Finn said...

YES!!!! is the new no