Monday, 3 September 2012

To Have or Not to Have??

During our class community of inquiry today we started to discuss whether the Police should carry guns or not? There are always stories in the news about Police and guns and gun control laws so what are your thoughts? Should they or shouldn't they?


Seamus said...

I think police should carry non lethal weaponry such as tasers or tranqualiser darts.

Amelia said...

I think that police shouldn't carry gun cause police if they are chasing a bad guy and they hold out the gun that would scare a lot of people and if they shoot that would hurt a innocent person

Sai said...

I think that police should not carry guns because it may freak out the people around,the place where the police is chasing or hunting down the criminal.They should carry teasers to shock the criminals,so they can go unconscious!!!!! :D

Anton said...

I believe that police man shouldn't carry guns because if one police man was carrying a gun and was facing 5 people and they got the gun there could be bigger injurys to people

Milo said...

I believe that police should have guns but not real guns - paintball guns, so they can injure and mark the criminal instead of majorly injuring them. Also they can carry a taser gun so that give the criminal a shock if they're wearing body armour.

Rosie said...

I think that the police should have guns but not on their body e.g. in cars.

Callum said...

I believe that police should have a gun because that if a robber has a gun then the police will just get shot if they have no guns.


I think that police should have guns deppending on the Situation like if it was some crazy phyco axe murdera then sure bring a gun but if it was just a cat stuck up a tree maby not.

Jawal said...

I think policemen shouldn't carry guns because if the robber runs in public and the police tries to shoot the bullet might hit an innocent person, and they will die for no reason.

Sam said...

I think the police should carry guns but should only be used when absolutly necessary. There should be special rules to use them and if the police officer breaks the rules they get fined. I believe they should also use weapons with a less lethal ability such as paintball guns because if you shoot someone in a sensitive part they could double over in pain but not kill them.

Tanmayee said...

i think that police should carry guns but only use them if the situation is really bad like the criminal has a gun and hes about shoot somebody.

Alec said...

I think that police should carry nonlethal guns so that it merely knockout or injure them.I also think it depends on the situation

Ngaronoa said...

I dont think cops should carry guns around because it may make a situation worse by pointing a gun at someone and if, their gun was taken off them by the person being chased it would be even more dangerous for that cop.

Connor said...

i think police should not carry guns because that would be forcing people to do what they want but in stead use a taser.

Silina said...

i think that policemen should not carry guns because firstly guns are very dangerous to use and if plans dont work out how most people want it to and there is a gun involved it could lead to dangerous and serious situations.

Andenet!!!!!!!!!! said...

I think that police should carry guns to scare the bad gu and also that they should't cause you can also use a taser or a dart so they don't die and suffer the consequence in stead of just leavewant he did and for get about it.

Jonty said...

I think police should not have guns because if the criminal was crazy and ran at the police man and took the gun then the situation could get much worse.

THOMAS!!! said...

i think the police man should not carry guns because if the crimanik was running away from the police man and there were 100's of people around he could shhot some innocent people they should just carry taserd

Gary said...

I think that police shouldn't carry guns because police officers might use the gun in unnecessary situations.If the criminal knows that the police have guns they will also find guns themselves to confront the police this will cause a lot of innocent people getting they should carry non-lethal weapons like tasers and maybe paintball guns.

Anonymous said...

I think police should carry guns because it can scare criminals and they will most likely give in, but it would be really rare if they have to use it.
(e.g A criminal is armed and refuses to give in so you might have to shoot him/her.

Gabreila said...


Seamus said...

I believe that police should not be allowed o carry any weapon that can be lethal as in New Zealand we have no death sentence so as such there should be no way for the police to accidentally inflict lethal damage.

Carlos said...

Police should have guns because they can kill people when they need to and it will be safer.

Eldar Ranger 77 said...

I think Police officers shouldn't carry guns because there are so many other weapons that if you used wouldn't kill a criminal but just knock them out instead

HEENI said...


Yonas said...

I think that police should because before they got there badge they did very intense training mostly with guns which makes them very mature with guns.

Taela said...

i think police should carry guns because its a sign that they are just going to threaten you but they are just protecting themselves and sometimes us