Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Room 4 Remembers 9/11

It has been 11 years since the World Trade Centre, also known as the Twin Towers, were destroyed by terrorists……

How it makes you feel?
What has changed since the attack?
My thoughts on the war on terror.

Post a comment on this day of remembrance for all the people that lost their lives.


Aidan said...

I am very annoyed by the attacks on the world trade centres because it was just a political fued that got out of hand. A lot of people died in the attacks and it seems pointless to kill just for a stupid reason.

Milo said...

It has been 11 years since the World Trade Centre, also known as the Twin Towers, were destroyed by terrorists.
It makes me feel sad that innocent lives were taken. Osama Bin Ladin shouldn't have done that all it did was make America angry and a few years ago he died.
Now in American airports if you are suspected as a terrorist they will send you back early.
I think that Osama deserved to die because he did a bad thing by sending the people to destroy the the towers.

Seamus said...

I believe that the attacks on the twin towers are a reminder of what greed and power can do to a once glorious nation. Hundreds of people died this day 11 years ago because humans are never satisfied with what we have. It is greed that killed these people. Though hate is the fire that burns in the hearts of the people responsible, money is the kindling and greed the hand that laid it. People say this attack brought out the best in people and that america pulled together in a time of need, and it did, but it also showed what one person wielding so much power can do. In conclusion this event is sad and we will never forget, but now is not the time to dwell on the past but to look to the future, onward and upward.

Jawal said...

It has been 11 years since the World Trade Centre, also known as the Twin Towers, were destroyed by terrorists. It's sad that innocent people died. hundreds of people were killed in the worst way they could, and it has been 11 years past families have been torn apart by the 9/11 attack.

Silina said...

It has been 11 years since the World Trade Centre,also known as the Twin Towers were destroyed by terrorists.Knowing now that the Twin Towers were destroyed it makes me feel unhappy and down firstly because on the day Twin Towers got destroyed, a lot of people died from the attacks,and also families were torn apart simply because a family member died innocently.Since the nine-eleven attack America now looks in bags at the airports.People in America also look for people that seem suspicious also at the airport. In my opinion i think that war and terror is a very dangerous thing to do and it is also a horrible way to express the way you feel as well.

Heeni said...

This is a reminder of the kind of people who are out there and what they'll do for greed power money and other s in stuff and milions of people died in that catastrophe and injustice carried out through the years and finnaly in 2011 justice was restored Osama bhin larden was hunted down and killed there are others just like him plotting and scheming there next attack on the usa and this event was a sad tragic event and we should remind ourselves how lucky we are not to have experienced it.

Sai said...

It has been 11 years till the world trade centre,also known as the twin towers has been destroyed by the makes me feel really horrified.There has been broken family's for the people who lost their lives.i feel very sad because many innocent people died.After the attack the government has made a lot of changes to the American security and it's power has gone greater.The law has created a federal security to inspect passengers and luggage.I think we should fight against terrorism to let the world live in peace!

Callum said...

I think it is very sad that people do things like boomeing it is just stupid. And I don't even know why they did that all they did is kill people and the twin towers

Yonas said...

Well first of all Id like to say terrorism is a horrible thing and it should be dealt with something other than guns and bombs.Unless the terrorist is Osama bin laden the man that started all this madness for his pleasure NO WAY I SAY hey that rhymes. But anyway..... the point is that this man doesn't just gets what he wants by bombing a building and not to men-chin? that he has bombed several other towers in different country's which is just not cool.


I FEEL THAT 9/11 WAS A STIPIDLY DISGRACFUL THING TO DO!!!!! I also think that it was not just the people there at the time that felt destroyed but everyone who was in the tower at that time could have had a brother, sister, mother, father, son, daughter etc. etc. felt just as awful I think 9/11 also shows just how easily they could have another one.

Anton said...

It has been 11 years since the world trade centre also known as the twin towers, where destroyed by terrorists. I feel that the 9/11 attack was a act of crazy extremes that wanted to prove a point. That was not in anyway needed. 11 years ago to prove a point they hijacked 4 passage planes 1 hit farm land one hit the pentagon and 1hit each tower world trade centre. In this act of useless ended the life of almost 3,000 people. As some juctice in may 2011 the leader of the terrorists group Osama Bin Laden was killed my America army. But his death can't repay the death of thousands on peaceful hardworking people.

Andenet said...

It has been 11 years since the World Trade Centre, also known as the Twin Towers, were destroyed by terrorists. I think that this is the most stupieds things they i just say they went over the line.
The people that was in the buildings their familys is just broken to pieces.The thing that changed the most is the Oasma Bin Laden is died. YOU SHOULD BE ASHMED!!!

Connor said...

I thought it was very unfair how a country could do such a thing bye destroying such a heavily populated building which was so devastating event because millions of harmless people that lost the lives and now have started a hatred through New York city and I think we should stop the war because it's a new day and we have moved on.

Carlos said...

Omg i hate osama binladin he diserved to die that made me happy.We should go to afghanastan and blow up all there temples and stuff and know how we feel.RIP people that died i hate you binladin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jonty said...

It has been 11 years since the World Trade Centre, also known as the Twin Towers, were destroyed by terrorists.

I just don't understand why anyone would think they had the right to kill everyone that didn't follow their religion and sacrifice themselves to do so.

Since 9/11 lots of things have been changed, there is now heaps more security at airports and lots of people will never go up a tower again.

I feel very sorry for those people that died. It is probably the worst way to die that I can think of apart from no food or water. Can you imagine being stuck up the top of a burning building with death coming closer every second.

Mustafa said...

I think that it was sad when people were fulling down and who died.

Anonymous said...

It's really sad to hear that thousands of people died during The World trade centre (also known as the twin towers) .

It was because of terrorists that the twin towers blew up and I'll say it again, it's really sad that tons of people died

Anonymous said...

The thing that changed the most was probably the security on planes.

Gary said...

I think that the attack was a waste of lives.I think war has just caused a lot of deaths and doesn't change much when they killed bin laden.

Taela said...

its sad that inisent people died all because of Asama baladdin sending terrorists to blow up the twin towers

Gabriela said...

I think it was really sad all those people who died for nothing. It wasn't their fault it was the governments fault however I think it was really sad.

Amelia said...

it has been 11 yrs since the twin towers been destroyed it is a really sad thing that has happened to those people.Parent's with kids has past away cause of those 2 plane's it's really sad.