Sunday, 9 September 2012

How Well Do We Know Our Birds, Cheeses and Trees??

Birds, Cheeses and Trees..... Can you match them??

Under the above headings can you place these into the correct category:
vulture, parmesan, banyan, eucalyptus, albatross, cedar, cheddar, oak, beech, camembert, galah, cormorant, cottage, mozzarella, raven  

Post your answers in the usual spot. Good luck:-)


Jonty said...

Birds Cheese Trees

Vulture Parmesan Oak
Albatros Mozzarella Beech
Raven Camembert Galah
Cormorant Cottage Cedar
Banyan Chedder Eucalyptus

Sai said...

Birds:Albatross,Vulture,Raven,Cormorant,Galah. Cheese:Chedder,Mozzarella,Cottage,Camembert,Parmesan. Trees:Banyan,Cedar,Beech,Eucalyptus,Oak.

Jawal said...

Birds:Albatross,Vulture,Raven,Cormorant,Galah. Cheese:Chedder,Mozzarella,Cottage,Camembert,Parmesan. Trees:Banyan,Cedar,Beech,Eucalyptus,Oak.

Charlotte said...

Cheese: Parmesan,Cheddar,cottage,mozzarella and camembert
Trees: Banyan,Eucalyptus,oak,Beech,Galah
Birds Vulture,Albatross,Raven.

Jonty said...

Birds: Vulture, Albatros, Galah, Cormorant, Raven.

Cheese: Parmesan, chedder, Camembert, Cottage, Mozzarella.

Trees:Oak, Eucalyptus, Banyan, Beech, Ceder.

Connor said...

Birds: Raven, Vulture, Galah, Albatross, Cormorant
Cheese: Parmensan, Camembert, Cottage, Chedder, Mozzarella
Trees: Oak, Beech, Eucalyptus, Ceder, Banyan

Anton said...

Cheese: Parmesan, cheddar, camembert, mozzarella, cottage
Birds: vulture, albatross, galah, cormorant, raven
Trees: eucalyptus, oak, beech, cedar

Rosie said...

Cheese = Parmersan, Cheddar, Camerbet, Cottage, Mozzarella.

Birds = Vulture, Albatross, Galah, Cormorant, Raven.

Trees = Banyan, Eucalyptus, Cedar, Oak, Beech.

Milo said...

Cheese: Parmersan, Cheddar, Camerbet, Cottage, Mozzarella.

Birds: Vulture, Albatross, Galah, Cormorant, Raven.

Trees: Banyan, Eucalyptus, Cedar, Oak, Beech.

Callum said...

Bird: vulture, parmesan, banyan, eucalyptus, albatross, raven

Tree: cedar, oak, beech, camembert, galah, cormorant

cheese: cottage, mozzarella, cheddar

Silina said...

Trees Birds Cheese

Banyan Raven Mozzarella
Eucalyptus Albatross Cheddar
Oak Galah Cottage
Beech Vulture Parmesan
Cedar Cormorant Camerbert

Andenet said...

Trees Brids Cheese

Cheese:Camembert, Cheddar, Camerbet, Parmersan, Mozzarella.

Trees: Oak,beech,cottage,banyan,cedar.

Birds:Vulture,Raven,Galah, Cormorant,Albatross,Raven.

Heeni said...

Cheese/Parmasean Mozzeralella Cheddar Camembert Cottage
Trees/Eucalyptys Banyan Oak Beech
Birds/Albatross Galah Vulture Raven

Anonymous said...

Cheese: vulture,albatross,raven.
Trees: Oak, eucalyptus, banyan, beech.
Birds: Parmesan, cedar,cottage,mozzarella .

Alec said...

Birds:vulture, albatross,galah,cormorant, raven Cheeses: parmesan,cheddar,camembert,cottage, mozzarella

Carlos said...

vulture,bird /parmesan,cheese/

Gary said...

Cheese: Parmesan,cottage, cheddar,mozzarella camembert
Trees: oak,Banyan,Eucalyptus,Beech,Galah
Birds: Raven,Vulture,Albatross

Amelia said...

1 bird
2 trees
3 cheese
Cottage,Parmesan,Camembert, Mozzarella, Cheddar.