Sunday, 11 September 2011

Response to Image Writing - Term 3

As a result of a lot of hard work in Room 4 we have make excellent progress in our writing and have really been "making our writing come alive." Above is a photograph taken by a photographer named Margaret Bourke-White from the Buchenwald Concentration Camp in Germany, 1945. From your writing I would like you to post a couple of your best sentences from your story. Remember to focus on language that paints a picture in the reader's mind.


prue said...

A couple of sentences from my writing.....
"what's the point in life if every man is taken from there once at peace familys and stolen into the mist of night".

"It was dark, but somehow a small amount of light flooded into the cage as the sun rose".

"The bright sun lit up my stone cold face".

Franziska said...

Some of my best sentences from my writing.....

"Every day they stand like statues staring with their lifeless eyes through the rusty wire that form a dead end to their escape"

"They feel heartbroken as their thouhts soak up every last bit of devestation"

"Their mouth spoke no words but their eyes told a sad story"

Lily said...

Best sentences...
"It was hard to see what they were all thinking,what those dark,penetrating eyes represented."
"But instead,they stood their ground,and gazed intently at the misty horizon,where the sun slowly ebbed away as the day drew closer with each passing second."
"Anger,resentment,loss,all clashing together like waves on miles of sand."

Oona said...

and some of mine...

He was standing there skin blackened from charcol, darkened with fear.

My eyes blurred fresh from tears maing it hard to focus on one person.

the men stood like statues, each one looking so alone even thoughthey were struggling for space.

Oona said...

"Sorry i forgot speech marks..."

Holly said...

Some of my best sentences......

"They attempted to imagine the light of day through the thick smog, but nothing, just a cold, lifeless world of heartache and war."

"The monster they stood before only had a heart full of ice and a talent for plunging bullets into innocent men's bodies"

"The prisoners failed to make any movements, only the cloudy air that filled their lungs expanded their innocent hearts."

Hannah said...

Best sentences...

"My frail body nearly gives way as I keep myself upright with the last of my strength."

"My eyes scan over my surroundings."

"My voice barely audible."

Spencer said...

Some of my best sentences......

"The lifeless prisoners were brought back to reality when the camera flashed."

"The prisoners fragile bodies froze with each gust of wind."

"Most of them friends as close as family."

Robert said...

Some of my best sentences:

"I look From Behind my cage to see friends and family killed."

"I look all around and hear screaming from little kids to men"

James said...

Some of my best sentences:

"When they walk through those doors life gone within the seconds."

"Inoccent men killed for satisfaction."

"The quiver of their lips showed the sadness they felt inside."

Caitlyn said...

" The last jew to move was an old, fragile man. He shuffled backwards slowly with his walking stick banging against the gravel as he dragged it miserably."

"I didn't know what to think, I had captured these men, put them in an inhumane place and treated them like dirt. the truth can't lie, I was a monster."

Krishan said...

My best sentences

"As I looked at the others a look of distraught was painted on their faces."

"But as if god heard me,I never woke up."

The men wanted to leave,they wanted to be free and wanted the pain to go away whatever the cost."

Davis said...

Every day praying to the holy father to get us out of this dreadful hellhole.


Maria said...

they stared at me like they were hypnotized ,you could see the devastation in there lonely eyes, their hope was shattered.
their sorrow touched me, i felt a chill through my spine,i was horrifyed st the thought of of death.

eva said...

Some of my best sentences

"So defenseless, so unable, like a pig waiting to be slaughtered."

"My mind lost in a cloud of gray the fear of what came next masking my thoughts."

"His every step heavy with the remorse and gilt of the acts of cruelty he had inflicted on so many,a feeling he would carry for the rest of his life."

Eva said...

Eva said


some of my best sentences...
under this one
"devastated by the outbreak of war we hours, maybe even minutes to our death"
"With death robbing the lives of innocent people"

Shyan said...

Some of my best sentences......

"The barbed wire was covered in ice, the ground frozen solid and my lips completely numb."

"Fear rushed through me, and misery filled the air like poisonous gas."

"Blinding lights glared back at me."

Seamus said...

the guard walks past the terrible cross that is my torcher emblazoned on his chest the last of my life leaves with him.

Seamus said...

The guard walks past, the terrible cross that is my torture emblazoned on his chest, the last of my life leaves with him