Sunday, 11 September 2011

The Anniversary of 9/11

September 11th 2001.....A dark day! The devastating events that unfolded in New York as a result of the Al Quaeda attacks on the Twin Towers changed our lives forever. The students in Room 4 were very young when this catastrophic event occurred, but all of them know a little about what happened. This event changed the way we perceive "terrorism" as well as the people of the middle east however, a lot of our perceptions and stereotypical views are influenced by the media. Ten year on, how has the world changed as a result of this event.
Post a comment and let us know what it all means to you.


prue said...

I personally think that the twin tower attack was a terrible trajity. I feel so so sorry to the people that suffered a loss of a family member or a friend. I can't even imagine what it would be like for the people of New York that lost the twin towers. I know I would be DEVESTATED if it was the sky tower or somthing. Once again sorry to those who lost.

ps. Sorry about the spelling.

Lily said...

I think it is really unfair to the muslims that they get extra attention when it comes to safety at the airport.It is only a small amount of muslims that were responsible for the attack, but nearly everybody who has a beard or hat gets sent off to have extra checks.The police say its for safety,but even a real terrorist couldn't be stupid enough to actually wear a hat,or grow a beard because they would know they get paid extra attention.

I also think that the pilots for the 2 planes are reckless to be helping the terrorists, and sacrificing their lives to prove...what??Killing innocent citizens won't help them achieve whatever they planned.It's a tragedy for all those people who were involved in the 9/11 attack.

Oona said...

I think 9/11 attack was the biggest wake up call for all of us, if you think about it. it has changed culture, airports, security guards, America, Afghanistan but most of all it has changed the way other people look at one another...

Now a day's like Lily said we judge people because of what they look like e.g a beard and a hat. Osamba Bin Laden is dead so its not like people are looking for him, it would be alright if they were currently looking for someone but how is looking for someone you have already found (and killed) going to benefit you in anyway?

If you think about it searching a random person because of their shade of skin is racist (not if it is in a description of some kind).

All in all I just wish the world was peaceful everyone shared, was generally kind and we all got along no matter what religion, race or gender you are.

Holly said...

September 11th 2001 was a tragic day for all American citizens. The Twin Tower attack. These 2 sky scraping buildings held hundreds of people and fell with hundreds of people. Being a toddler at the time was frustrating as I didn't know what was happening but by growing up and learning more, I realize how terrifying this is. I feel so sorry for all those people who lost a family member or friend. May they rest in peace.

Shyan said...

Personally I think 9 11 was very heartbreaking and horrible thing. I feel sorry for the people who lost any family members or were somehow linked to the attack. The twin Towers were absolutely magnificent. I really wish I went inside them, and witness there beauty.

The question is why would you do such a thing and destroy a piece of art? Didn’t they realise there were some of “them’’ inside the WTC. Can’t the world just get along, and have some PEACE.

HK416 rifles, an M-16 type weapon, with the “double tap” of 5.56 mm bullets, were used to kill Osama Bin Laden.

Also the Towers including the antenna spire were 526.3 meters tall, and the top floor is 413 meters tall. (This is the first tower that was built).


11 September 2011 know as the twin tower attack was a disastrous working day for all American residents.Citizens lost their lives from this terrorist attack leaving all families very sad and saying goodbye to their lost ones.I think it was a very sad for all american's and families affected by this is good now that they stepped up there safety at airports and America.

Spencer said...

The dark day of 9/11 has effected the world in many terrible ways. New York and the rest of the world will never be the same after the in-humane acts as a result of 9/11. At least 3,000 people died on 9/11 and they all had families and friends who had to suffer not physical torture like some of the victims but mental tortured which in some ways could be worse.

Paul said...

I personally think it was horrible and sad for all of the family’s that lost their love ones in 9:11.I am a little bit happy that Osama Bin Laden is dead but I think there is going to be more world disasters. I feel sorry for the people that look like him and get checked in the airport. So overall it was a really sad moment.

Hannah said...

As a result of 9/11 we see terrorism differently.
This devastating event shocked the world as the Twin towers crumbled to the ground.
Like I said in my speech "If someone had a beard,hat and olive they are most likely to have their bag checked at the airport."
Security is tighter after this event forcing people the same stereotype as Osama Bin Laden to be repetitively questioned in the airport.
The event caused me as a toddler to develop my fear of planes and tall buildings as kid.
Looking back on it now it remind's me of those vivid images I saw as toddler.
An event that shocked a nation and has changed our view of the world

Robert said...

I think it was extremely sad for America to have famous tower to be knocked down. I personally think that it was Al Quaeda though some people believe that the government were responsible for 9/11. I also Believe that it is wrong to accuse someone as a terrorist if you look similar to Osama Bin Laden.

James said...

I personally think 9/11 is the biggest tragedy to happen in the entire world ever! It has changed plenty of lives not just Americans but people worldwide. Over 3000 deaths hopefully these Al Quaeda members flying the planes knew what they were doing to friends family and innocent people. In my opinion the 9/11 attacks WERE the biggest thing in the world and IS the darkest day in the history of the world.
Keep strong!!

Caitlyn said...

I think the twin tower attacks were so devestating, especially for all the people who had friends and family in those 2 buildings. I don't know how people could live with themselves after organising this. I don't think anything could justify why those people did this, they took so many innocent lives. It was such a tragedy and I'm quite glad that Osama Bin Laden is gone now and I'm sure most people would agree.

Junjie said...

I think it was terrible. It was a very tragic event for the citizens of America especially for those who lost family and friends.

eva said...

I believe 9/11 was a truly cruel thing and even ten years on I still can't believe that someone could knowingly commit such a horrific thing.Because of 9/11 if someone has a long beard there more likely to be accused of being a terrorist compared to someone with out one. I hope Osama Benlarden knows all he did was increase stereotyping and case incredible grief.I hope I will never have to suffer as much as the family's and victims of the W.C.T attacks.

Krishan said...

I think the Twin Towers Attack was a very tragic day for the citizens of New York. I am glad Osama and the likes of him have been taken down and we are freed from his onslaught.
Nowadays a lot people with a shaggy beard and a turbin are always judged everywhere they go because of rumors and fear.
3000 people were killed in the building when it was attacked.