Sunday, 25 September 2011

"Artz Festival Twenty Eleven"

Last week we had the first stages of the annual Balmoral Arts Festival. Over three days students created some amazing art work that will be displayed at the Arts Festival Open Evening in Term 4. The students also enjoyed performances in the form of singing, dancing, music and theatre sports. A highlight for Room 4 was watching the dance performances of Holly, Issie and Maria and also the singing of Dom, Caitlyn and Khadija. Post a comment and share your highlights from Art Week 2011.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Room 4's Super Gymnasts

A couple of weeks back two of the "superstars" from Room 4 - Ayla and Maria competed at the AIMS Games in Tauranga. They were lucky enough to be photographed in the Bay of Plenty Times newspaper. Here are their pics!

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Response to Image Writing - Term 3

As a result of a lot of hard work in Room 4 we have make excellent progress in our writing and have really been "making our writing come alive." Above is a photograph taken by a photographer named Margaret Bourke-White from the Buchenwald Concentration Camp in Germany, 1945. From your writing I would like you to post a couple of your best sentences from your story. Remember to focus on language that paints a picture in the reader's mind.

The Anniversary of 9/11

September 11th 2001.....A dark day! The devastating events that unfolded in New York as a result of the Al Quaeda attacks on the Twin Towers changed our lives forever. The students in Room 4 were very young when this catastrophic event occurred, but all of them know a little about what happened. This event changed the way we perceive "terrorism" as well as the people of the middle east however, a lot of our perceptions and stereotypical views are influenced by the media. Ten year on, how has the world changed as a result of this event.
Post a comment and let us know what it all means to you.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Aparangi Company Conference Week

Last week the Aparangi Team ran a conference week while some students were representing Balmoral at the AIMS sport tournament in Tauranga. We all had a great time doing a variety of fun and often challenging activities. In my conference activity we made a stop motion video showcasing the different "companies." It was our first attempt but it worked out great. Check it out! And please make a comment on some of the highlights of the week.