Tuesday, 22 June 2010

"Old School vs New School"

The original Mr T versus some dude that looks like him...... Basic cinematography versus James Cameron's Avatar 3D..... Basic sound versus Dolby Digital Surround Sound.

Do special effects, high tech equipment and gizmos and million dollar budgets make TV shows and Movies more enjoyable for the viewer?? And what makes a classic film..... without all that stuff....a "Classic?"
Post a comment and let us know what you think.


James said...

I think that it really depends on the movie e.g: Avatar, it would basically be a blanc movie. but with live (actual actors) movies sometimes it is cooler old fashion.

Reuben said...


I'll just type it again. I think its generally more enjoyable for children our age to watch modern movies. Even if its the same story as an old movie. Either we don't like the style of filming in the old days, or the action and special effects aren't as good, or its easier to follow / understand modern movies, or its easier to relate modern made movies to real live than old ones. Or all of the above. But this might just be me...

(I'm going 2 copy nd paste it this time, in case it doesn't publish!)

Holly!!!! said...

Through the different stages of time every body's mind changes the A TEAM that we saw may not be awesome to us but "back then" it may of been like avatar to them.
When movies were first invented they were black and white therefore (for us) BORING but to them (our parents and maybe you Matt) it would be the koolest thing they ever saw.
The wizard of oz was the first movie in colour and may be the best movie still, after the good ones,

the whole point in my perspective that if you redo a movie you need to keep the things that make it a classic such accents sayings that dont make sense,
"cmon mate keep them classic" not all movies need "surround sound" and all that.

Finn said...

New school is the best for movies because the effects are more realistic and there is more action than there used to be. I think the new movie the A-team will be better than the old one because its supposed to be an action movie but the old one's action was dumb.

matt p(the awesome one) said...

old school movies are cool because you can see how far we have changed and what we used to like and nobody can beat the original Mr. T he is a legend

Hrishi said...

I think old school movies are better than the new movies because they have better stories and plots whereas new movies have copied the story-lines from movies that have become blockbuster hits and made them worse in ways, but new movies have better graphics which let us into new technology like 3D TV.

Overall I think they new and improved is not always best

Owen said...

old school is better because all the story lines are original

Benny said...

new t.v has improved because of the technology and what they can do. But old school has cool locations. So I reckon old school is cooler

Jade said...

Our movies used to be awesome until they decided to make them 3D. Personally, I don't think 3D is THAT good. I think it's just a waste of money and it's not even all that. For example, Toy Story 1 and 2 were not in 3D so the fact that Toy Story 3 will be made in 3D just ruins it.

Remakes of old movies aren't all bad. It introduces us to old classics that are long forgotten. You might know nothing about the old movie but when they make the new version of it, you might think "Wow, this is awesome!".

Claudia said...

Personally i think new school is better because now that we have better technology we are able to do more effects that look good and the sound is clearer and more affective. also i still think its important to keep story lines and plots original because kids get distracted easily and change their mind a lot so if they see a movie that has similar plots and stuff they'll be like been there seen that.

Oscar said...

i think an old school movie has more of those funny affects unlike new movies which have more sound and action but just doesn't have to old school quality's

Jakob said...

I think that it really depends on what the movie is like the star wars movies in 4, 5 and 6 the graphics did change a lot when they made 1, 2 and 3 and the sounds but it was still just as enjoyable. It depends on what the movie is if you throw in a car chase or something like it can make it a whole lot more enjoyable as well as heaps of great jokes.

REUBEN!!!!1!! said...

Actually, I think I have changed my mind. I watched the original Karate Kid, and it was kwl as. I doubt the new one coming out would be that good. As if Jackie Chan is as cool as Pat Morita! :)

cje said...

i think new school is better then old school because you can see new school movies better then old school movies

Finn said...

New SCHOOL 4 LIFE/NEW A TEAM is alot better than old o

Luke said...

I think that old school has more intricate plots and storylines and some of those great jokes and action scenes, but new school has better graphics and stuff but I don't think it lives up to the reputation of old school.

Polly said...

Personaly i would Rathjer watch modern movies than old movies because they are more easy to understand.

Charlotte said...

i think that the old school movies aren't that bad. the sound isn't as good though so everyones voices sound the same. Old school doesn't affect the enjoyment, it is just different

Finn said...

It's all about the money/technology

Mona said...

I think that old school doesn't have much effects and sometimes isn't very clear and new school is very clear and maybe is because of the latest tools. But you don't have to spend so much money to make this happen, maybe there's a way to make it cheaper and great!

Katie said...

I argee with matt p and owen like seeing how far we have gone with technology and the old movies r kewl 2 :)