Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Home Alone??!!

On Campbell Live on Monday night there was a segment about a 12 year old boy who was sick and tired of being dragged around shopping malls by his mum and being bored out of his mind. So he wrote to John Campbell and asked whether he was allowed to stay home alone or not because he said "Mum and Dad watch the show and believe what they say so if you tell me it's not, I will believe you." Sadly he found out that the legal age is 14.......
So what do we think? Are we mature enough to be left home alone? Post a comment and let us know what you think.


Riki said...

Personally, I think 12 year olds should be able to stay home as long as they don't do anything silly. Even when parents are home, Parents aren't always in the same room and keeping close supervision.

Despite this, If parents think their child is to immature, then they should't be allowed to stay home.

James said...

I think that kids should be aloud to stay at home for a certain amount of time eg: 2-3hrs or something but not at night, so maybe 9am-6pm I don't know.

Luke said...

I think that the age doesn't really matter at all it's the amount of trust the parents put into the child.

Jakob said...

Yes I think that an extra two years wouldn't make much of a difference but children should have to convince their parents they're mature enough to stay home.

Hrishi said...

I agree with Riki's statement that 12 year olds should be allowed to stay at home and how even if the parents are at home they aren't always paying attention to the kids.If 12 year olds are allowed to stay at home they might just watch T.V or do their homework (Who am I kidding, no one will do their homework), they won't throw a party or anything.

Although if the parents think their child will do somthing immature like thrash the house, the child shouldn't be left alone

Unknown said...

I think 12 year old are mature enough to stay home alone by themselves, beacause they are mature enough.

Claudia said...

Personally, it really depends on if you're mature enough and if your parents trust that you won't do anything stupid.It also depends on what time it is like not at night, and how long for.

Jasmin said...

I think that it is okay to stay home when your 12 except you should only stay home for a cetain amount hours.

Charlotte said...

i think it is ok for a 12 year old. Most people are quite rsponsible and won't do anything too silly. It is perfectly fine as long as it is not for too long

Cate said...

Been home alone is good i guess it depends on if the mum/dad trust you or not. TO NOT THROW A PRATY. but who wouldn't. :p

Katie said...

nice cate but i think if your mum and dad trust u then yes i do it all the time because im not going to throw party or do anything silly in the house!