Monday, 27 August 2012

Story Writing Term 3

Hi team,

Please publish your writing here. We will go through your work as a class and give each other feedback. Please refer to your writing goal check list in your book.
Happy publishing.


Connor said...

The sun rose on the cold winter day. Liam opened his eyes adjusting to the sunlight’s bright light. Liam was a nineteen year old student who has just started university. He shared an old viler with his mate Chad on the edge of Ottawa. Liam rolled out of bed and glanced in the mirror. Liam had spiky brown hair with bright green eyes. Liam had to go into town because Chad came down with an unknown disease. He caught a bus down to town to search for a cure. The first shop was called Camron’s cures. Liam described the rash to the salesman hoping there was a cure. The man searched high and low, but there was nothing to be found. Liam walked out of the shop when he found another shop Marks medicines. He ran over into the shop with hop. Liam asked the saleswomen and described the rash when someone came up behind him throwing a net over him. Liam made a fist with his hand and everything froze, Liam crawled out from the net, then grabbing a rope and tying a knot. Liam opened his hand unfreezing everything picked up his cell phone and dialling 911. The police rushed over hand cuffing the criminal and took him away. In a matter of days science tests made a cure and Chad was as healthily as ever.
From Connor

Jawal said...

Iron Brian
Green, 10 eyed, ugly, flabby, 3 eared monster arrived at the outskirts of london. That's when our favorite superhero Iron Brian came and killed and saved the day.

Brian was an ordinary intermediate learning student, and a brave superhero. His parents died
when he was about 4 years old. Then he tried suicide in a electricity company he jumped into it andgot a bad shock, that's when employee saw him. And from that day on he had a power of controlling electricity and invisibility .

Every one in his classroom called him nerdy Brian since he was so smart. but in the wild he was a brave superhero saving the city. Whenever he went out to save people he wore the same clothes, a black shirt and a BI sign sewed by his stepmother.

One night he had dream that who killed his parents, the next day he saw the same man that killed his mother and father and the man said that I killed your parents and now I am going to kill,while the man was activating his weapon Brian quickly used his invisibility powers then jumped to the side after that he gave the man a nice electric shock.

By Jawal

Milo said...

Life with a Twist

The man in the top hat and tuxedo revealed a revolver he gripped the silver handle. He looked at the buildings crumbling walls, finally he saw the president. George Bush overlooked the party. People were laughing and talking, but a man stood in the middle a shiny object was in his hands. George gasped as a bullet ripped through the brick. Suddenly a man burst into the room he wore a blue suit, his muscles bulged out of his chest “Fus Ro Dah!” he screamed, A blue semicircle formed above him. The man in the top hat was blasted across the room he hit the brick wall. The hero disappeared in a flash of light.

Mark awoke in his apartment, The room was filled with light. Mark stirred at his blue super hero suit in his closet. He sat up and hit his beeping alarm clock, he pulled on some black jeans and a white top with a navy blue blazer. Mark tucked his suit into a briefcase just in case. He opened the door and jumped into the lift as it was closing his push the button for the car park. Mark thought his life was boring but his powers made it exciting. Mark stepped out into the car park. He saw his white 4x4 BMW. The lock clicked with a touch. The engine roared to life. Mark grinned as he speed down the road. Suddenly Mark smelt danger he looked at his briefcase “here we go again”

By Milo

Carlos Muru said...

There was a super hero. His name was Hanckok .Everyone hated him he had mean super powers .Once he got im alot of trouble and and got sent to jail for ages. So there was two people with Hanckok and they made him angry so he shuved one person's head up the other ones bum .One day the cops came and told Hanckok he needed to help them with his super powers.He stoped a bank robbery bye cutting off the persons hand with a metal thing .After that day everyone liked Hanckok and he got some money.

bye Carlos

Seamus said...


The sun burst through the early morning clouds. A shaft of golden light fell upon Luke’s face, waking him from his sleep. He left his bed to the sound of birds twittering outside his window. As his legs hit the floor he grimaced, his muscles stiff and soar. Suddenly he felt a stabbing pain shoot through his stomach, he realised he was starving. Not wanting to walk on his aching legs he closed his eyes and let the light swirl around him, feeling its warmth soak into his body, and, slowly, rose into the air. Feeling the power of the light, he passed through his door and flew slowly down the stairs, clearing the sleep from his eyes.

As he sat at his kitchen table the sun made his blonde hair shine, seeming golden the early morning light, his startlingly blue eyes veined with yellow. He sat eating his toast when suddenly an explosion sounded, coming from the city centre. Suddenly alert Luke sprang out of his chair, ignoring the pain in his legs, his slim, muscular body carrying him easily up the stairs. In his room he ran to the closet, reaching to the back and finding the hidden switch with practised ease. The opposite wall slid suddenly open. Inside, the bright yellow suit known so well to the people of Ashwood hung, waiting silently to be once more donned by Lucio, crusader of justice and light. Aside from this there was a computer and an early warning system linked to the prison where the most dangerous of his enemies spent their days. Luke changed quickly into his suit, the tight out fit covered all of him but his hands, his face, covered only by a strategically placed eye mask, the places through which he could absorb the light energy that gave him his amazing powers. For the second time that morning he felt the power of the light fill him, stronger now, and shot into the sky.

Eldar Ranger 77 said...

Mega man

Soaring through the sky, Mega Man was going to his mother’s some MEGA COOKIES!!! Mega Man is a superhero with the power fly,run super fast and super strength, He has many enemies like like the Diddler, Poker and Blueface. Mega Man came from a distant planet called Megazoid and he was a messanger from Megazoid but when he came to earth he fell in love with the animals, plants and people and decided to live there his mother moved there as well. Mega Man’s alter-ego is a ugly, hairy man as sweaty as an old sock called Rob. Despite his uglieness he has great powers. Even though there are a lot of ugly fat men in Willis City Rob can be identified by his pink unicorn tattoo on his left cheek that he got when he was drunk with his freinds Although he was not human he was Meganese but still could be mistaken for a human. Rob worked at a Taco stand called Robino’s Tacos.

By Aidan

Callum said...

Rifle man

It was a clear day the sun was sinning on Rifle man's big rifle. His red cape was flapping in the air. The concet was as brown as his sut. It look like fire was burning in his eyes. He had as many rifles on him as there are stars in the sky. There is so many bolits in his back pack that an elephant could not lift it. Then something pounded agents his eardrum it was a man skreming for help because mega-melter was training to melte him so he can eat on a melted substance so Rifle man grabbed the man and placed him to safety. Then suddenly mega-melter malting down because there was no melted substance to eat so Rifle man shot his biggest built he had and BOOM! Then there was no more mega-melter. Rifle man had won and rushed back to this cave.

Sai said...

As the final minute has come in the game,Ryan puts the ball on the cone and lines up the shot and kicks it over,the raiders have won the game!Ryan lived in Canberra,he also loved playing rugby league.He was in the highest team of all rugby league.As he played rugby he also worked a part time job in MacDonald s.The game was over as Ryan walked out of the Canberra stadium,with a huge cut on his face 'aah'he shouted.Ryan was pretty dull whenever he gets injured,But Ryan had something special in him that whenever he gets a cut it heals as soon as it get infected or hurt.Know one in the town knew that Ryan had these healing powers not even his friends knew.......ITS A MYSTERY.............!

by sai

Tanmayee said...

“BOOM” and his gun shot, I dodged the bullet and I keep running.
I look back over my shoulder and I can’t see the drug dealer any more, then I look forward and there he is gun pointed straight at me.
I punch him in the face and then I turn right and jump onto a window sill, I keep climbing up and I’m on the top of the building in a few seconds.
I look down and I can see the drug dealer on the ground. I run to the opposite side and I jump down onto another building which is my house. I open the door that leads to the attic.
I walk across the room and open the door of the attic and I walk down to my room. I’m so tired I jump into bed and I fall asleep in a few seconds.
As I wake up I can feel the sun burning on my face. Last night was tiring as usual.
It’s very hard to live a normal life in the day time, and then suddenly turn into a guy with super hero powers at night, thrashing a city full of bad guys.
My super power is that at night when the sky goes dark and all the lights in the city turn on, I suddenly get so much strength in me that I can punch a guy who spent the last two years in gym getting muscles and he’ll be on the ground. I know that sounds dry but it’s a fact and nobody knows about it.

Silina said...

Woosh!Woosh! as heavy wind rushes through a small gap in jakes bedroom window. Jake is a thirteen year old boy who loves his family and is protective of them, shivered as he saw a strange shadow just from the corner of his eye.Jake and his family lived in a city with evil demons and super heros.One freaky and stormy night jake was out roaming around with his school mates in the middle of the most scariest forest in the whole entire city.

As they followed the red path through the scary forest jake turned around and thought that his friends were still behind him but as he searched for his friends they just disappeared all of a sudden.A few seconds later jake got the fright of his life as he had heared whistles coming from the trees and rustling sounds coming from the bushes.All of a sudden a huge blue demon pops out of no where and lifts jake up with his humongous wings and takes off to their evil hide out.Jake screamed and yelled so loud that the amazing super hero came flying through the door and battled all the evil demons and finally won.The amazing super hero saved jake and safly flew through jakes bedroom window and he was safe and sound.


yonas said...

One afternoon there was a party at my friend Leroy"s house and there was all his mates from school including me in fact there was no much people there that i don't think everyone could get a turn on the ps3 so we went outside to play a game its called torch er and me and my friend went into this mini field it was dark and we could only see above not under so we didn't know what was underneath us and sooner or later we fell into a hole and we saw the person who was in so we just stayed there and then a light came shinning from the ground and they woke up in there beds at home in a superhero costume and then from on they knew that there job was to be a superhero and fight crime.

Anton aish said...

The story of harry

The raindrops from the crack in the window. Droplets hitting the tip of his nose. Harry found out why the apartment was so cheap water was running in from everywhere.Harry was a 24 years old he lived in a small apartment above a pizza place in the Just outside the CBD of manhattan. Harry worked for a big bank called BFM or bank of Manhattan. He was the Coffee guy what spent the whole day running around the 17 level building giving Coffee to everyone. Harry had black hair green eyes and was tall. He was fit and went to the gym often. Most people in his building didn’t like him very much. He was different not only was he not very social but he had a power. He had a superpower harry could fly. Harry was not born with this power at it a long story. When harry was 12 he went on a school camp on a small island in the Hudson river. The camp was called camp fun village. Harry was being bored in his bunk room sitting on his bed watching the on going traffic of the Hutson. When in the correr of his eye he saw a green and purple fire burning in a little crater on the far left side of the island where the beach meets the forest. He made straight for the door and he ran towards the flame and when he got there we watch the flame and then the side of the crater he was standing on and fell in. And we fell at power go through his body and he tried to get out of the crater hole and we jumped and up we went into the sky. That as the moment he fell alive not bored or sad. So once we got home in one week he decided he would tell no one it would be his secret. So 12 years later he still had his power and had still told no one. The people had never seen him fly. they had seen a flying person but with the name with Hyperactive H or double H.

By Anton

Thomas said...

One day there was a boy called Robbie.When he woke up in the morning for school.But when he woke up he was a 16 year old boy and was in superhero gear, he had a black mask with an 'r' on the back, and a really slim suit with an 'r' in the middle of it. He tried to do all these spider-man moves to see if he had any superpowers he didn't. Then he did a fart and he started to fly he flew out of the window then he thought to himself when he was a kid he always wanted to fly and his dream came true.He flew over his school and did lots of things that he always wanted to do.he was flying up in the clouds flying as fast as a cheetah could run he couldn't believe what he was doing. He got a bit tired so he went back home he saw his mum and dad they said Robbie where have you been Robbie said "I just went out" "where though" Robbie said "none of your business" what did you say your grounded for two weeks what but mummy no no no then Robbie went to his room and farted where did he go in the sky.

By Thomas

Gary said...

Anything that is a huge slimy creature with tentacles like a octopus and has a constantly drooling mouth is enough to send any human running away screaming, but what about two.But in a small valley in the hills the morning sun rose as a new winter day came.Nobody in this peaceful and calm town had the slightest idea that everything was going to change that very day.As the sun peaked though Danny’s room he groaned he hated getting up in the morning.You might see him as a lazy sort of boy but no,Danny was not any old kid,Danny had a secret that would reveal itself today but Danny had no idea of it revealing itself since he had decided to not tell anyone.Danny slowly crawled out of his bed and got dressed.Danny had muscular arms and had a great amount of stamina.At the middle of the day a metal cylinder flew out of the sky and ladded smack in the middle of town.the cylinder had a errie glow to it and smelt like burning rubber.By the time the police had got around to sealing the crater away there were a bunch of spectaters murmmuring to others about what might be contained in the cylinder.The police took away a sample of the metal to be tested and the results were that the metal was not made on earth,we simply didn’t have the technology to make it.By the time the sun was down the cylinder made a unbearable screching noise as a monster with dark slimy skin and tentacles like and octopus.The onlookers backed away but one unfortunate man slipped and fell into the pit.The gigantic monsters made a squlching sound as they took a step closer to the man who had fallen in.The man screamed in terror as they came closer.He tryed to climb out of the pit but he was in such a panic he coulden’t even grasp the dirt.Danny decided he would have to show his powers as he flew out of his house and plucked the man in shock from the pit hand put him on the ground with a smile of approvel.Danny flew in and gave the monster a almighty kick from his thick boot.The creature screamed in pain as the boot connected with his head.Danny grabbed the monster by to tentacles and sung him round and round and then let go and the monster flew off into space.People cheered as Danny emerged from the thick dust surrounding the pit.A ambulance was heard wailing in the distance on their way to pick up the man who had been half frightened to death by the creature.Danny became the protector of the valley and had a great deal of respect for all the people of the valley.

By Gary

MESFEN said...


Andenet!!!!! :) said...

One day in the city named New York Their was a super hero called Man Black. He smashed every single villian but one he was called Black Shaddow> He was the worst villian in the whole world his dream was to have world domination. One day their was a bank robbey and guess who who did it... Black Shaddow. Man Black fought as hard as he can.Man Black had a black eye and a bloody nose he punched Black Shaddow and finlay he used his ninja stars while Black Shaddow was in the air and it was down for the count Black Shaddow died and the people of New York city was cherring and he fighted very night and day

Heeni said...

" Reihana get up Honey time for school " great muttered Rei muttered school i lifted the covers over my head and got out of bed and went into the bathroom to wash i stared into the mirror Brown black hair brown eyes and skin huh then turned my tap on and washed the cool water over my face and wiped my face then strolled back in the room and got changed into my uniform Eden vale Intermediate then i went into the kitchen and plonked onto the chair and ate my breakfast Weet bix a bit soggy but alright i scoffed it down got my bag kissed my mum and said good bye i raced out and Joined my mates Tia and Amelia We chatted most of the way on the way I heard muffled voices behind us and laughing so i croaked my head back to find what i was dreading It was Jessica Springers the most brattiest prissy snobby girl in school and her to friends Kirby liles and Erica coyles both as dumb as eachother and just like Jessica and laughs at anything she says they were mocking us us! why just because were diffrent and Zany we all ran ahead to school hang our bags up and grabbed a ball and shot hoops we went back into class and and met James pigley our teacher he was so grumpy all the time we called him grumps he probally had social problems didn't everyone we sat in our seats and got started we rushed through the day but at lunchtime i decided to prank Jessica i put a love letter in her bag from Kylo my cousin obviously a fake one and she got it it said meet me in the art room and she went we put a note in there saying ha shame you fell for it when we told him he laughed and he said " come over to our house oy well go out somewhere like the movies see you later "ok shot cuzz we finished school and met kylo and went to the dairy after wards when we walked in there this guy was taking out the money in the counter i ran up and strangled kicked and punched him he fell to his knees " call the police " ishouted to the top of my lungs he immediately called the police and they came quickly it was such a rush people questioning me and congratulating me afterwards we headed to the movies i could'nt wait to tell mum i was a superhero.