Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Life Education

Hi guys!
What an awesome session it was today. Please post your comments on what interesting information you learned today so we can build up a resource of all the information.
Happy posting:-)



I learned that the younger you are and drink alcohol the more it effects you and Ben was right about when your drunk your slower because a little while ago my brother got drunk and it was funny because he could hardly walk.

Thomas said...

i think life education was a good experience and what alcohol and drugs do to u i really liked it

Sam said...

I think I learnt a lot about what drinking can do to your body and how dangerous it can be.

Ngaronoa said...

I learnt a lot about the consequences of drinking alcohol and it was pretty interesting finding out more information by the way i personally thought that the carpet was very nice !!!!!!

Sai said...
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Milo said...

I remember that your liver can digest one standard alcohol drink per hour.
Also to make a decision you have to see what influences you and the consequences before you decide.

Anonymous said...

I learn't that when you smoke your brain cells (forgot name sorry so just calling them brain cells) speed up and your brain really likes that felling and wants more.

The lung is not like a baloon... its a sponge.

Gaba<--(thinks thats the name) makes you fell good but if you drinks to much your brain thinks that is what is making you feel good and happy and it stops producing gaba and then your body wants more alchohol... thats what makes you a alcholic

Thank for reading :-)

Aidan said...

Life Education is great because you learn about how drinking alchohol and taking drugs like marijuana can effect your whole life and stop you from living your dream

Connor said...

I thought life education was a great way to show people amazing knowledge an interesting fact I learn't that the stomach is constently making mucas to stop the acid from burning though yourself.

Milo said...

One cigarette has 4000 chemicals in it, 200 of those chemicals can cause cancer.

90% of teens after college are approached by a drug dealer.

Gary said...

Life ed tells us a lot about dugs and how we need to do the right choice.I remember that there was 4000 different chemicals in a cigarette and 200 can cause cancer and the lung is a sponge not a balloon.

Tanmayee said...

I think life ed was interesting because it tells us all the consequences about alcohol and drugs.I cant really remember all the facts but some of them that i do remember are
1.that the kidneys clean our blood
2.We grow when we sleep
3.there are 4000 different chemicals in a cigarette and 200 of them can cause cancer.

Jawal said...

80% of people are offered drugs by people they know.

Seamus said...

I learned that marijuana forms a physical membrane over the neurons that only allows chemicals that make you feel happy to flow freely.

Callum said...

I lernd a a lot about the body and drugs

Sai said...

Life ed was really fun and I learnt that when u drink alcohol it goes into your nuro transmeters and slows down the messages!! :)

Jonty said...

I found it really cool and learnt lots of stuff but the things I found most interestng was that you are only suposed to have 30mls of spirits an hour and that you brain dosn't fully develope until you are 20.

carlos said...

i learnt that you grow bwhen you sleep not sleep when you grow i got mixed up!!!!!!!!

Amelia said...

I learnt that the nuro transmeter tells you heart what to do and when to beat and your heart can survive without oxygen for three min