Learning the Balmoral Karakia is an essential part of our school's history. Let's learn a bit at a time and work on the correct pronunciation. Small steps at a time people!
Karakia Te Kura o Te Roto a Rangi
Tēnei mātou te whanauo Te Kura o Te Roto a Rangi
Here we are the community and
family of Balmoral School
Whakakahangia mātou ki te
manaaki me te tiaki i ētahi atu
Strengthen us and our ability to
respect and look after others
Whakakaūngia mātou ki ā mātou
mahi katoa kia whakapūmautia
ai ngā akoranga o tēnei rā
Help us to persist in all that we do
so that we enjoy the benefits of
our learning
Tiakina hoki tō mātou kura me
tōna taiao
Help us to work together to look
after our school community and
its environment
Tihei mauriora
Life force!
I can't pronunce the karakia yet.
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