Thursday, 6 October 2011

"Citizenship Companies"

This term for rich task we were divided into 5 “companies”, in which we have a specific role in the classroom. The companies were:

· AlphaMedia-the media team

Xerox-the environmental engineers

· Wizbang-the technology team

· Ace Fitness-the health and fitness team

· M.Y.S.T-the logistics team

We were given tasks to complete as a team, and each company employee were appointed titles such as CEO, CFO, HR, and the rest were team members. Even though the team members did not get a title, they still helped out as much as they can and worked well. AlphaMedia had a great time during this term, what do you think?? Please post your thoughts.


Eva said...

I had an awesome time this term working with people I would have never worked with if it wasn't for this rich task we had some problems but it was still super fun and I would love to do it again.

Junjie Yang said...

I quite enjoyed this terms rich task, our company led by Oona Palmer did pretty well, it was nice working with them.

Ayla said...

i didnt really like this terms rich task. me and my group hard some problems. it wasnt that interesting.

Oona said...

I really liked our rich task I think we covered all the things that its for (citizenship) e.g team work, leadership, and its really clever of the teachers to incorporate that into school work.

Holly said...

I really enjoyed rich task this term. I had so much fun working with people other than my friends as I had a chance to build relationships with my peers. It was challenging to agree on everything as we all had different opinions, but in the end I had a great time experiencing what it's like to manage a company.

Prue said...

My company was M.Y.S.T and i had a really great time during our Citizenship term. I had lot's of fun and this was my favourite rick task topic i have had this year. We faced lot's of challenages but in the end i had a really great time!!!!

Krishan said...

I had a great time in my company Alpha Media.
It was very fun and challenging.
Oona was a great CEO.

James said...

it was an awesome term and i really enjoyed rich task. My company was alright and they werent that bossy to me either.

Caitlyn said...

I had a great time for our rich task this term. We learned to work as a team with people we wouldn't normally work with. It was areally fun term.

Lily said...

This term's rich task was awesome!!!
We get to work with other classmates that we don't know too well, and cooperate as a team.We had some problems but we came together and overcame these challenges. All in all it was a really fun term!!!

Davis said...

I had a great team great fun and I had a pretty good group and had great fun. Btw Paul should of been our CEO

Maria said...

This term's rich task was fun, it wasn't great because our group didn't get along the best but there were some fun times.

Franziska said...

I think it was a great experience and it was fun and challenging its kind of like preparing us for the future and what we have to do.

Hannah said...

This terms rich task was a big success!
We got to work in company's earning (and loosing) money.
We also got to work with people other than our friends.
This rich task was a lot of fun and probably my favorite rich task of the year:)

Shyan said...

My company was Ace Fitness and I think we worked well together even though we had our ups (bonuses) and our downs (fines). I also had a chance to work with people I usually don’t work with. In the end I had a great time and enjoyed this experience.

Spencer said...

I really enjoyed the citizenship
rich task it was awesome being the CEO
for MYST and working with group. I really enjoyed the scene of leadership given the job as CEO.