Thursday, 16 June 2011

The Museum of Transport and Technology

On Tuesday 14th June our class went on a trip to the Museum of Transport and Technology, or MOTAT for short. It was a great opportunity to see some of the transformations in transport and technology that have occurred over time. A highlight was stepping back in time to "Schooling in Victorian England" times and dressing up in bonnets, pinafores, waistcoats and cheesecutters. Check out our reflections in the comment section below. Photos to follow:-)


Maria said...

The engine rumble,then the bus took us off to the museum of transport and technology,motat, while everybody was squised onto a seat.After the long journey,a lady dressed in olden day clothes invited us in and talked about what we were going to do that day like tram rides,role-play and just looking around the museum.
That day I had learnt about how they cooked and lived in the olden days when we looked at the victorian village,also we learnt about the transformation of education, that's when we had to wear pinafores,bonnets (girls) vests,cheese cutters (boys) and go into role play like in the olden days but it was a lot of fun.

Dom said...

MOTAT was a great museum to go to and educate ourselves about transport and technology. The experience of being in a Victorian time class room, and getting to wear the outfits that they did was for me, the WOW FACTOR of MOTAT.
I learned that just by asking a question back then, you would get a whip on the hand that would hurt for w week but also scar your mind for life. When we learned about Victorian classes,the boys and girls had to dress up as they did back then and get into character and play your part as a student. FUN. I cant think of a better MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT AND TECHNOLOGY!

Oona said...

I really enjoyed MOTAT especially the Victorain School. In the School it was interesting and it was quite hard to believe how different school was and how the teachers are so not merciful. My Favorite though had to be the mirror maze and science room ( it was fun to get hands on).

I learnt allot about my topic, fashion and thanks to the brilliant thought someone had of dressing us up I was able to describe it very thoroughly all in all I was a cool trip to the MUSEM OF TRANSPORT AND TEHNOLOGY

Caitlyn said...

MOTAT, The Museum of Transport and Technology, was a great place to learn about how it was in the olden days. We learnt so much about all kinds of different things like Trams and Fencibles. One of the coolest things we did was the girls dressed up in pinafores and bonnets and boys in vests and cheesecutters, and go to the Victorian classroom, they had it so hard back then. They got the cane for small things like getting your spelling wrong and things like that. It was a great experience and we even got to write with quills, though it was quite messy for me. I loved MOTAT, I learnt so much there!

Lily!! :) said...

I really enjoyed the science room with lots of activities to do and scientific explanations along with the mirror maze.I had learned alot from the olden day displays of everyday items in the Victorian Village and the transport museums.The schooling experience in Victorian times was really interesting to take part,as we encountered a typical morning in the styles and rules of a school in Victorian times.I had enjoyed the trip to MOTAT,and I hope I will visit the museum again some other time. :D

Hannah said...

On Tuesday our class headed off to MOTAT. Some excited and others unsure. The day was a great sucess, everyone with different highlights of the day. I enjoyed roleplaying life in a Victorian School. During our trip I learnt many interesting facts. The one I found most discusting was that children only bathed once a week on Saturdays, haveing to wait for there younger siblings until it was their turn (while useing the same bath water)-yuck!
Our class experienced life in a Victorian School, the girls dressing in pinafores and bonnets while the boys dressed in waist coats and cheese cutters.
We had a very strict teacher who frowned often, her glasses perched at her nose. We wrote with ink and a quil and sang the national anthem to the Queen.
We watched the teacher punish one of our class mates until we didn't want our lessonto end... but the day had to end some how so we waved our goodbyes to MOTAT looking forward even more school trips to come:)

Prue said...

On Tuesday the 14 of May room 4 went the Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT)!!! It was heaps of fun! MOTAT has so many places to to explore, learn and most of all have fun!!!

I most enjoyed the mirror maze. A maze were you had to walk through a maze. Without running into a mirror of course! I also enjoyed the Victorian Village. A whole village of houses and a church and shops showing how people used to live in the olden days.

I learnt many things at MOTAT it was great! I learnt how you didn't have to go to school, LUCKY!!! But if you didn't go to school you had to work and help mum around home, not so lucky! I learnt about the transport back in the olden days. Like trams and how they run on electric lines. We even got to ride on one.

My favorite part was when we got to experience being in a Victorian school. It was interesting how there used to be one class of 40 to 50 people ages 5 to 13! They used to be very strict as well you couldn't write with your left hand. If you did you would be punished!! We got to write with quills too ( it was really hard)!!! I had an excellent time and would definitely go again!!!

Shyan said...

I really enjoyed MOTAT because of the mirror maze and the arcade. The only downside to the mirror maze was that it was a bit too short. I also really liked the arcade because it was free and usually you have to pay to use those machines, but not in MOTAT!!

The thing that I thought was very interesting was that the way they punished the children in the Victorian classrooms. It was really was strange that you have to sing the national anthem to a picture of the queen every day!!

nathaniel said...

I really enjoyed going to MOTAT for the first time and doing all the activities with friends. The part I most enjoyed at MOTAT was when we went to the mirror maze, but that was kinda short, I also like the telecommunication center and some other places.

Going to the school house was funny after watching ELIZA ut her nose on the board,and when she got the fake cane. I also liked when got to write with those mean as feathers or quills or something.
But it was cool when the boys got to wear these cool as cheese cutter hats and mean vest and the girls had to wear these white weird thingys which I forgot what they were called. The only thing I didnt like was when we had to sing to the fake queens picture.

But all in all a good trip.

Robert said...

At MOTAT I mostly enjoyed the free arcade games because they were free. Me and Daryon were owning on the shooter game. I felt like I could play it all day. But unfortunately we had to go on the tram.

An intresting thing that i found out was that MOTAT was an abbreviation. I think the victorian classroom was pretty cool/funny/scary it was alot more strict and im glad i wasnt in school at that time. I thought it was cool wearing vests and cheesecutters. Over all I had a good time.

James :L said...

What i most enjoyed at motat was two things. One of them was the exhibition and having a look around. I really enjoyed the mirror maze aswell. some of the interesting things was that kids had to rub their nose on the chalkboard if they were naughty. What else i found interesting was how small the houses were in Victorian times.

We put on our waist coats and cheese cutters and off we went to school in the Victorian times. As we got in the classroom we shared 3 to a desk since their wasn't alot of space. We started the day with the national anthem facing our queen. Afterward we picked up our quils and wrote our spelling words down on a piece of paper. After a hard day at school we travelled back to the present to talk about the Victorian times. I rather our time better :))

Davis :-P said...

My most favourite part of MOTAT was when we had the free time, my favourite part of the free time was the mirror maz.

The old Victorian schools were completely different to our schools now, everyone had tobe the same, and they didn't even get to ask question, but now teachers encourages children to ask questions now.

Iosa said...

I enjoyed the arcade machines most because we got to play on it for free and I’ve never played on a free arcade machine before. I also enjoyed the mirror maze because it was easier than the last time I tried it.
One of the interesting things I learnt at Motat was that earthquakes only go back and forth not up and down. I also learnt that back in the day’s kids who didn't go to school they would work at home.
I think that the Victorian classroom is better than the classes we have now because if there is homework you have to do that is due the next day you would want to do it if you didn’t want to get a smack. But these days, the only thing you would get is a timeout or a detention.

Spencer Holmes said...

At MOTAT I really enjoyed the fascinating hands on Victorian play. The tram ride was also great fun and was packed with lots of history about the trams at MOTAT.

Learning about the Victorian schools was really interesting and at the same time a little disturbing, hearing and seeing the punishments they got and at what little mistakes they made to get them.

The hands on experience added a heap of excitement and I would love to do it again. The acting part of the Victorian play was really fun (the cane) and putting your nose on the white chalk dot was also really funny.
Strolling through the Victorian village was really interesting and full of facts.

Great school trip!

Paul said...

At my journey at Motat I had heaps of fun. The thing I enjoyed the most was the mirror maze because it was a challenge and it was fun.
The Victorian school was really fun. The uniform was cool and I would rather wear that one then the one we have now. Especially the hats. The school was a great experience because it showed how hard the children lived.
I didn’t learn much but I learned heaps about how kids learned at school back then.

Junjie said...

On Tuesday 14th of May room 4 visited the Museum of Transport and Technology. It was a fun place for learning about transformation. I enjoyed playing at the arcade because we could play for free but, we did not have much time. I also had fun walking on the stilts.
Something interesting I learnt was that blacksmiths were named after the colour of the metal when it cools down after coming out of the forge.
After lunch, our class went to the Victorian classroom where the boys had to wear cheese cutters and vest and the girls had to wear a weird white outfit and hat. We also had to follow some very strict Victorian rules and if the rules were broken there would be a punishment. Overall I had an awesome time at MOTAT. =D

Franzi said...

I enjoyed playing in the mirror maze and the arcde. I also enjoyed learning new things like about the victorian village the black smith and the old cars with my mum around. I learnt that the washing took 1 1/2 days to wash, i learnt that the girls at school had to wear a pinifore an a bonnet and the boys had to wear a waistcoat and a cheesecutter over their school uniform so that it didn,t get dirty. I also learnt that the men who fought in war and are retired are called Fencibles.

The Victorian class room for me was fun but only because it was a role play. It would've been very strict the rules were very strict and so were the teachers. The classroom was small, boring and quiet and and the punishmints were harsh but the children deserved it.