Sunday, 22 May 2011

"Making Our Writing Come Alive"

This term we are continuing to look at ways to make our writing "come alive" for the reader using interesting vocabulary and a variety of language techniques. Your challenge is to write an interesting paragraph or two....based on the picture below:-) Bring it on!!!!


James said...

My foot slipped and i plunged into the icy cold water. The monstrous beast dived towards her prey. Time froze. The str i forced myself towards ong curent pulled me down into what felt like a cold abyss. The sharks eyes pierced me from underneath the water.

I was trapped. The force of the shark pulled me down , but i refused to ressist. i forced myself toward the surface thinking nothing could stop me. She chased up. A rope unravelled from above. I tryed to grab on. As i stretched toward the rope i was pulled from below. I was pulled further and further until .....

Oona said...

My foot slipped and I plunged into the icy, cold water. The strong current pulled me down into what felt like a dark abyss.

I whatched as precious, silver bubbles escaped from my lips, my mind numb from the pain. I pulled myself to the surface clutching to an already dangling rope. But just as i reached the helicopter the shark jumpedd, hungry for more and I was down again.It was as if someone had hit a replay button and I was in the exact same situation all over again.

Eva said...

My foot slipped and i plunged into the icy,cold water.The monstrous beast dived towards her pray.Time froze.The strong currentpulled me down into what felt like a dark abyss.The sharks eyes piearced me from underneth the water.I watched as precious,silver bubbles escaped from my lips,my lungs clenched tightly,despritly searching for air.Without a second thought I forced my self towards the surface.A rope lader had been droped aponemy arivle to what I thourgh would soon become my watery grave.Using what strength I had left I herld my body up it.Finaly I reached the helecopter a hand reached out and pulled me in safe atlast.

Special Issie said...

The monstrous beast dived towards her prey. My foot slipped and I plunged into the icy, cold water. The strong current pulled me down into what felt like a dark abyss. I watched as precious silver bubbles escaped from my lips. I raced to the surface only to be pulled back down by a cluster of jaggered teeth. The end was near for me and I let fate take me from the blood stained water.

Caitlyn said...

My foot slipped and I plunged into the icy, cold water. The monstrous beast dived towards her prey. Time froze. The strong current pulled down into what felt like a dark abyss. The shark's eyes pierced me from underneath the water. Fear overwhelmed me as I saw the determination of the shark. All I could think was that if I stayed in the water this giant would crush my bones and torture me to the point of death. I had to swim to the surface....just one more stroke.....

Holly said...

My foot slipped and I plunged into the icy, cold water. The monstrous beast dived towards her prey. Time froze. The strong current pulled me down into what felt like a dark abyss. The shark's eyes pierced me from underneath the water. I watched as precious, silver bubbles escaped from my lips, my mind numb from the pain of vicious, jagged teeth sinking into my flesh. A thousand thoughts in my head, was this the end for me? I looked up to see a rope swaying in the water, but I was clenched in the grip of what felt like broken glass. My blood drained my body along with all of my precious oxygen.

Spencer said...

My foot slipped and i plunged into the icy,cold water.The monstrous beast dived towards her pray.Time froze.The strong current pulled me down into what felt like a dark abyss.The sharks eyes pierced me from underneath the water.I watched as precious,silver bubbles escaped from my lips,

I was in shock, adrenalin took over and I rushed to the surface, only to be intercepted by the raging shark. Without a second to lose I quickly recovered from the blow and headed straight up.I surfaced finally to find the rope ladder in reach of my trembling hands.

Davis said...

My foot slipped and I plunged into the icy, cold water. The monstrous beast dived towards her prey. Time froze. The strong current pulled me down into what felt like a dark abyss. The shark's eyes pierced me from underneath the water. I watched as precious, silver bubbles escaped from my lips, my mind numb from the pain.
Without a secound thourght I forced myself to the surface.
A rope unravelled within my reach as I used the last of my strength to grab ahold of it.
Step by step I becam closer and closer to my destination.
I had almost reached the half way mark, when I could feel layes of jagged, sharp teeth againest my teeth.


Shyan said...

My foot slipped and I plunged into the icy, cold water. The monstrous beast dived towards her prey. Time froze. The strong current pulled down into what felt like a dark abyss. The shark's eyes pierced me from underneath the water. I watched as the beast ripped into my side. An enormous pool of blood surrounded me. As the chlorine stung my eyes and the air in my lungs escaped. I fell into a dark bottomless pit.

Hannah said...

My foot slipped and I plunged into the icy, cold water. The monstrous beast dived towards her prey. Time froze. The strong current pulled me down into what felt like a dark abyss. The shark's eyes pierced me from underneath the water. I watched as precious, silver bubbles escaped from my lips, my mind numb with pain.
I struggled to the surface refusing to sink deep down into the water. I hear the loud hum of the the helecopter. My hands reach for the rope but the rope slips from my grasp. I sink down into the water as I fall into a peaceful sleep...

Junjie said...

My foot slipped and I plunged into the icy, cold water. The monstrous beast dived towards her prey. Time froze. The strong current pulled me down into what felt like a dark abyss. The shark's eyes pierced me from underneath the water. I watched as precious, silver bubbles escaped from my lips, my mind numb with pain.Without a second thought I forced myself to the surface. A rope unravelled within my reach as it gave me a second chance. The giant shark jumped at me as it's jaws barely missed my foot.

Lily said...

My foot slipped and i plunged into the icy,cold water.The monstrous beast dived towards her prey.Time froze.The strong current pulled me down into what felt like a dark abyss.The shark's eyes pierced me from underneath the water.
I watched helplessly as precious,silver bubbles escaped from my lips,my mind numb with pain.My only thought was to relieve the agonizing tightness in my lungs as I struggled towards the surface,my limbs thrashing wildly in the subterranean world.I surfaced and took a huge lungful of air,and for one second I forgot about the dangerous situation before me,only alone on the vast stretch of ocean,peaceful thoughts dominating my brain.But that didn't last long as the dark shadow approached me,hungry for more.I was stunned,but out of the corner of my eye I made out the blurry outlines of a rope ladder swaying with the wind,swaying within my reach.I groped around blindly with the salt stinging my eyes,and hauled myself up for all I was worth.

Prue said...

My foot slipped and I plunged into the icy cold water. The monstrous beast dived toward her prey. Time froze. The strong current pulled me down into what felt like a dark abyss. The sharks eyes pierced me from underneath the water. I stared back into her devilish yellow eyes. I swam towards the light with the water pushing against my face. I found a rope ladder and without thinking started to climb. My fingers felt numb and frozen. I struggled towards the helicopter I had fallen off. Without warning a grey figure leaped towards me. I panicked. What to do?

Ayla said...

My foot sliped and i plunged into the icy, cold water. The monstrous beast dived towards her pray. Time froze. The strong current pulled me down into what felt like a dark abyys. The sharks eyes pierced me from underneath the water. I watched as precious, silver bubbles escaped from my lips, my body frozen, cold. I floated to the sureface of the water,clenching my fists. The rope ladder droped from the helicopter, to fall right in front of my face. I was safe, i thought, until.........

Dom said...

My foot slipped and I plounged into the icy, cold water. The monstrous beast dived towards her prey. My heart froze as the strong current pulled me down into what felt like a dark abyss. The sharks eyes pierced me from underneath the water. I thought that this was the end for me, but i welcomed death. Just as I thought there was no hope, a rope hit the surface of the water violently. The fight for survival wasnt over yet. I clung onto it, my life in my hands as the sharks tail sliced past my face. As the rope lifted me up the shark dived.

Krishan said...

My foot sliped and i plunged into the icy, cold water. The monstrous beast dived towards her pray. Time froze. The strong current pulled me down into what felt like a dark abyys. The sharks eyes pierced me from underneath the water.
I was stunnedwith horror as the shark shot through the water,gaping mouth out wide.That was when I was free of the hold and my vast knowledge of sharks kicked in.As soon as it was at a close enough distance,I made a sharp left turn going upwards knowing it's not a good cornerer.As I reached the surface I found to my luck an island.As I swam for my life I could have broken the world record for the fastest swimmer. But the shark wouldn't give up and went mad trying to catch it's intelligent prey.As I got to shore the stubborn shark tried to go on land,I got a hollow tree trunk and smashed it on the shark's nose knowing it's weak spot and as an effect knocking it out.I stayed on the island till my friends picked me up seeing a cloud of smoke,as i had a giant fish fillet.

Paul said...

My foot sliped and i plunged into the icy, cold water. The monstrous beast dived towards her pray. Time froze. The strong current pulled me down into what felt like a dark abyys. The sharks eyes pierced me from underneath the water. I watched as precious, silver bubbles escaped from my lips, my lungs hungrey for air. i swam for dear live to the surface. a rope unravelled within my reach as i used the last of my strength to grab hold of it. i started to climb and just as i thought i was save the beast leaped out of the water coming towards me. i was so scared i pissed myself. the shark pulled me down. round two

Maria said...

My foot sliped and i plunged into the icy, cold water. The monstrous beast dived towards her pray. Time froze. The strong current pulled me down into what felt like a dark abyys. The sharks eyes pierced me from underneath the water. I watched as precious, silver bubbles escaped from my lips,without a second thought i force myself to the surface. above a rope unravelled,i clinch tightly to the rope as it pulled me body was frozen and sore,i could barely breath.then as the beast leaped up hungrey for me,i knew i wouldnt be able to make it,so i losen my grip and let the rows of jagged teeth take me, leaving a trail of blood behind.

Franziska said...

My foot slipped and i plunged into the icy, cold water. The monstrous beast dived towards her prey. Time froze. The strong current pulled me down into what felt like a dark abyss. The sharks eyes pierced me from underneath thr water. I watched as precious bubbles escaped from my lips my mind numd from the pain i looked up, the surface wasn't far up. Without a second thought i forced myself to the top of the water. i saw a blury figure of what looked like a rope when i reached the top of the water. I managed to grab the rope with a week grip. The shark must of found another prey because he was nowhere in sight i pulled myself up dragging my feet i knew that if i reache the top of the rope i would be fine.

Shae said...

My foot sliped and i plunged into the icy, cold water. The monstrous beast dived towards her pray. Time froze. The strong current pulled me down into what felt like a dark abyys. The sharks eyes pierced me from underneath the water.I watched as I watched as precious gleaming bubbles escaped from my lips, my mind paralised from the pain. without thought I forced myself towards the surface. Upon my return, a rope gave me a feeling of re-assurance. I used the last of my strength to grab hold of it, but that was all i could do as the shark had drained my strength.

Iosa said...

My foot slipped into the icy cold water. The monstrous beast leaped at her prey.Time froze. The strong current pulled me down into what felt like a dark abyss.The sharks eyes pierced me from underneath the water.
A rope unravelled within my reach. I used the last of my strength to grab hold of it. I started to climb, and as I thought I was safe the shark jumped up and grabbed hold of my foot. A yellow waterfall came rushing down my pants changing the colour of the shark from pale white to a bright yellow.

Robert said...

My foot slipped and i plunged into the icy, cold water. The monstrous beast dived towards her prey. Time froze. The strong current pulled me down into what felt like a dark abyss. The sharks eyes pierced me from underneath thr water.As I was about to be eaten it made me think about the breakfast I didn't have this morning.But that doesn't matter.I need to get out of the water fast. Not thinking about my breakfast any more, I am swimming around in circles. I knew I was going to die so I shouted out I love my family!Luckily I saw a helicopter dropping a ladder for me hooray! As I'm climbing the ladder the shark jumped.

Shania said...

My foot sliped and i plunged into the icy, cold water. The monstrous beast dived towards her pray. Time froze. The strong current pulled me down into what felt like a dark abyys. The sharks eyes pierced me from underneath the water.

I watched as the shark swam towards me I tried to out swim the monstrous beast but the shark swam faster so instead I swam towards the surface I thought i was free but suddenly something grabbed my leg the war was over...

Khadija (: said...

My foot slipped and I plunged in to the icy ,cold water.The monstrous beast dived towards her prey.Time froze.The strong current pulled me down in to what felt like a dark abyss .The sharks eyes pierced me from underneath the water.My eyes flickered in panic. I watched as precious silver bubbles escaped from my lips.My mind frozen with fear. I truly thought it was the end . AS I forced my way to the surface fighting the currents. A rope ladder dropped from the helicopter above. I gathered what was left of my strength grabbing on to the rope I was nearly there ,until the beast rose up from nowhere vicious and hungry for more. I pushed up on to the rope ladder literally missing his sharp cluster of jagged teeth by inches .As I climbed up the rope tears streamed down my face as I realised how close I had come to the end.

Anonymous said...

hi its aysha from room5 the awsomist class eva. <3. that photo is sssooo cool its so awsome.

Anonymous said...

THAT IS SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!