Wednesday, 23 February 2011

"New Zealand's Darkest Day"

Just when Christchurch thought they were getting back on their feet disaster struck! At 12.50pm yesterday Christchurch was hit with a 6.3 earthquake that has devastated the city of Christchurch. The quake on Tuesday struck at a shallow depth of just four kilometres with an epicenter around 10 km outside Christchurch.At least 65 people are confirmed dead in the quake, but the death toll is expected to climb as rescuers continue to look for survivors in buildings. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key said the nation may be witnessing "its darkest day". Post your reactions to this tragedy and your thoughts for the families who have lost loved ones and their homes....


Lily said...

I feel really sorry for the unfortunate citizens of Christchurch.I hope they get over the depression quickly and focus on the future.

Oona said...

My Birthday was the day after the quake and my mum (who works for the online Herald) was too busy putting people on flights to get to and from Christchurch to come and watch me open my prezzies.

The dad of the family she was (of the many)flying out had twin boys who's birthday was on the 25/2 (the day that she was getting them out) and the dad stayed to sort out the house and help other people while the mum, and 2 boys got out- they just weren't coping- and that was just one of the many families she helped.

Mum was almost a rescuer and it feels really good to be able to say she is helping (as I'm sitting at the computer now she's talking to someone about details for a flight on her phone).

Hannah said...

I felt deeply saddened as I saw the destruction caused by the earthquake as I watched the news on Tuesday night. How could such a beautiful city be destroyed? I feel for the many families whos loved ones are dead or missing. Christchurch will never be the same again and I hope Christchurch will be restored and all missing people will be found alive.

Anonymous said...

It must really be a TERRIBLE time for Christchurch and it must be sad to hear that many people are missing and there are heaps of unforunate ones.
I know someone who has half their family in Christchurch and were releaved to hear that they were all ok.
I know that there are many people for around the globe that are trying to help and I hope for the best for all the people of Christchurch.

Caitlyn said...

I think it is awful about the earthquake. Especially after the last one. it is so unfortunate that so many people have died and are still dying. It is great that people are flying in from all over the world to help, and everyone is doing as much as they can for the citizens of Christchurch.

Franziska said...

I can not believe it is there second earthquake in like 7-8 months i think it is horrible and scaring the undies of people in Christchurch. I would do anything for them so im gonna do something at st johns like a bring a gold coin thing. Hopefully they find no more harmed people.

Prue said...

I feel so sad for those have lost loved ones it must be terrible. Christchurch is a beautiful place, I have been there a countless amount of times and I can not imagine it destroyed and I don't think I want to. My mum told me that they are only treating people with life threatening injuries, I think that is sad but understandable.

Sadiya said...

I think that people down at cirstcharch are having a hrad time.

matt p said...

matt.p was here

Hrishi said...

So was I

Junjie said...

Earthquakes are bad.

Anonymous said...

hi its aysha from rm5 the awsomist class eva. i feel so sorry for christchurch its so sad what happened and to know that its still happening makes me cry.