Thursday, 11 November 2010

"The Super City"

As we all know Auckland is now a Super City under the reins of Len Brown. So what's gonna happen to make Auckland "Super?" Len Brown has made plans and promises but what do we think will make Auckland a better place to live? Post your comments and let us know.


madison said...

At the moment, Auckland has a lot of flaws, instead of good atributes.Auckland is an extremely busy place for its size, and i believe that the roads need a lot of work, for making shorter routes to get places. Also, the council should really re-think about some of their desicions towards many things, because some of their laws are extremely ridiculous. And a Super City chouldnt have any of those things as listed above. However behind all of the flaws, there are good. Auckland has great site sees like the Skytower, the Harbour Bridge and many more for tourists to enjoy. It also has a lot of malls spread around Auckland which decreses the amount of people at each one, which is a good atribute to a Super City. However with the flaws,I really do believe that they can be changed if people actually think about it. But all in all, i would prefer to live in another city because auckland is just that. For example, Queenstown snows and has ski mountains, and Auckland is just a city and has nothing special to it.

Charlotte said...

Auckland now is extremely busy.Full of people and cars...It has many problems that need to be fixed but also some great sights that should not be changed. One of the things that needs working on is the public transport. It needs to be efficient and on time, and always using the quickest way to get the there.This would improve the city a lot.Auckland being a supercity will change it dramatically. It will most likely be improved so more people will want to live here. More techno will be brought in and buildings will be knocked down and remade. I am not sure whether these changes are for better or for worse. I am pretty happy with living in Auckland and I am not sure if I would want to go anywhere else. Auckland does have its flaws but hopefully they will be fixed!!

christian [cj] said...

kick john key out of new zealand because he is a bad prime minster
go labour and go Len brown put more rugby fields and give back the mt smart stadium to soccer players

Holly and cinnamon said...

i knw this is the wrong comment box but i have the glee dvd at hom can we plzz watch it tmrw in class plzz its the first volume

Margaret said...

I dont understand why Auckland is being changed from the seperate reigons to a "super" city Auckland is soo big that not everything that changes is gonna work for everybody but if wereall together there are gonna be even more complaints and more arugments SO to fix this keep it how it was or if were gonna go "SUPER" we should at least Make ME the Mayor [jokes]

Finn and Hrishi said...

I think that Auckland is a great place to live because it isn't huge but it is still a city and has everything we need. I dont really know what Len Brown has to change but whatever he changes I hope is for the better. I agree with Madison that we do need better ways to get to places and the roads need alot of work.What is good is that we have a clean country so if we can keep it that way then in a few years Auckland could well be the nicest-least polluted city in the world.
I'm really happy that a left-winger won the election for mayor of all of Auckland and I'm really looking forward to seeing what Changes are made.Hopefully Auckland will become the capital of NZ because it is the most well known city in NZ and also the only one big enough in my opinion to be a capital. I am still pondering over what changes being a supercity is going to have, I know quite little about this subject although I would like to learn more because it could be quite a sustaining interesting thing to talk about once in a while. I think that NZ should give free public transport and get a better train-line because for example in Sydney you can go anywhere in by train for like 2$. Auckland needs to give itself a reputation for enjoyable experiences. I know one guy that thinks that the Auckland Harbour is the nicest harbour he has ever seen. Some laws are quite dumb like no skateboarding in the park and if you take something out of a rubbish bin then you're stealing. I believe that we also need more big bike lanes especially on the water-front considering there was an accident recently. Auckland really does have potential to be a great city like Delhi so lets all work together on this one. I am proud to live in Auckland city as a respectful and vowing citizen. I think that the sky tower and harbour bridge represent Auckland well except for the fact that Sydney has a original harbour bridge. It is good that Auckland is unique and you can get anywhere in Auckland fairly quickly and easily. The traffic is not to bad compared to some other large cities such as London and most cities in India and China. Auckland is Eco friendly but some improvements could be made such as cable cars like they have in Wellington and many other cities. Most buildings in Auckland do use too much energy though so a major change would be to get solar energy. This would be expensive but efficient in the long run. Overall Auckland is a great city which is good for living in but could be improved ALOT. Len Brown could be a great mayor of all of Auckland if these changes were to be made quickly before we ruin this urban paradise. (Or Before 2012)

BJ and CJ said...


cate said...

auckland is a busy as place and they have some pretty places in auckland. the roads are so small like when 2 lanes goes in to 1 in the most busy places.we arent ready to have the world cup and why is it been called the super city when its the oppisite???

Ash said...

*System Error* Report Abuse.. ^

Dominique said...

Take tips from other people including friends

Anonymous said...

I think that Auckland is a great place to live because it isn't huge but it is still a city and has everything we need. I dont really know what Len Brown has to change but whatever he changes I hope is for the better. I agree with Madison that we do need better ways to get to places and the roads need alot of work.What is good is that we have a clean country so if we can keep it that way then in a few years Auckland could well be the nicest-least polluted city in the world.
I think that Auckland is a great place to live because it isn't huge but it is still a city and has everything we need. I dont really know what Len Brown has to change but whatever he changes I hope is for the better. I agree with Madison that we do need better ways to get to places and the roads need alot of work.What is good is that we have a clean country so if we can keep it that way then in a few years Auckland could well be the nicest-least polluted city in the world.
I think that Auckland is a great place to live because it isn't huge but it is still a city and has everything we need. I dont really know what Len Brown has to change but whatever he changes I hope is for the better. I agree with Madison that we do need better ways to get to places and the roads need alot of work.What is good is that we have a clean country so if we can keep it that way then in a few years Auckland could well be the nicest-least polluted city in the world.
I think that Auckland is a great place to live because it isn't huge but it is still a city and has everything we need. I dont really know what Len Brown has to change but whatever he changes I hope is for the better. I agree with Madison that we do need better ways to get to places and the roads need alot of work.What is good is that we have a clean country so if we can keep it that way then in a few years Auckland could well be the nicest-least polluted city in the world

Anonymous said...