Thursday, 21 October 2010

And now we finally reach Term 4....

Where has the year gone??!! As Week 2 comes to an end there is only another 8 weeks till you all say good by to Intermediate and begin your summer holidays! Hopefully you will spend the time with family and friends and get outdoors.....not spend all the time in front of a computer:-)

This Term we will be publishing a book of your lives from Year 1 to Year 8. This will be a semi-professional publication that you will give to your parents as a present and will be a piece of work that you will be proud of!
We have also got athletics coming up next week as well as lots of other fun activities!
Let's make Term 4 a productive one as well as an enjoyable one for all:-)
You have been a wonderful class to teach so far so let's finish on an even higher note.


Katie said...

Awwwwww im going to miss everyone and im going to soak in everything im soo going to MISS everyone. But im ready for term 4 yeah !!! i hope we all have a lot of fun!!!!

Luke said...

Matt, I disagree with your comment about not going on the computer that much.
That is all.

Room 4 and 3 Quarters said...

Wasnt saying that computers were bad..... just not too much:-)

hO said...

umm matt wat do we need to do foa our "publication"
cause i was at tech

Holly!!!! said...

sorry computer stuffed ho actually means holly whoops

Holly!!! said...


Hrishi said...

cant wait till schools over. it'll be like hevean on earth

Anonymous said...

extra extra extra extra extra large!!!

Anonymous said...


matt p said...

yea its gona be a great term

Katie said...

Hrishi noooooo Im like the only person in the world that wants to stay and NOT go to high school rrrr!!! But hopefully we are going to have a lot of fun in term 4 NOT really boring or esle im going to kill myselk if its not fun haha!! So Matt (the teacher) please let us have fun!!! And not comtrol all our books please !!! Cate was just trying to say something ok please listen! Thats all lol... Lets have a really fun last term all together!!!

Luke said...

That is all

Holly and cinnamon said...

some thing to brighten up all that homewrk

Margaret said...

UHM WHERES THE REMINDER BOARD???? btw that extr extra extra extra extra large thig isan inside joke thing from jedi, brooke, or jedi soz bout that and that video is crackup holly!!

Holly and cinnamon said...

for the gimp thingy can i plzz do it on photoshop cause its easier to use than gimp plzzz