Tuesday, 3 June 2014


Hi team,

Here is an example of writing for you to look at and take ideas from if you wish:


The burning rays of the sun beat down on the tiring shoulders of the men. No words were spoken but each member of the group knew their role. Some dug while others washed. It was all about the rocks. Not the rocks themselves, but what could be hiding within. The goal. The reason they were all there. 

The sound of steel on rock was met with splashing water from heavy buckets. Their clothes were drenched with a combination of water and sweat. Nobody wanted to be there. But they had no choice. It was all for their families. The discovery of even the smallest speck of a shiny substance would make work cease and all would gather around ‘the one’ who had possibly made the discovery. 

Time was of no importance. The quest started when the sun rose and ended when it set. The completion of a hard days work only meant that it would be the same the next day, and the next. On route to the conveyor belt one of the worker’s legs buckled under the weight of the bucket and he cried out in pain. But his cries of pain fell on deaf ears. Everyone felt his pain but showing pain was a sign of weakness and weakness was a sign that the world had won. 

As people go off to work, take a long lunch break, update their Facebook status while enjoying a warm cup of coffee and look forward to the weekend, not many people spare a thought for men like these. Men working hard under the burning rays of the sun. Men who are mining in search of the elusive substance. The valuable and precious substance known as gold.


Kareena said...

Are you trying to brag about how good you write. Ummm