Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Haiku Poems From Hiroshima

Hi team,

As I said today we need more Haiku's for our awesome book!! Keep them coming and first in first served. It might be nice to write some poems about the beauty of Hiroshima before the bomb and also after the bomb when the city was rebuilt.

Happy writing:-)


milogpalmer said...

Hiroshima's New Beginning
The plane let it go
The bomb exploded
Our loved ones are dead

Connor Roulston said...

The darkness starts

Planes flew through the sky
The bomb dropped falling down
Destruction, fire , death

Silina said...

Hiroshima's devastating experince
Atomic bomb hits
City in japan destroyed
Death and so much pain

Seamus said...


Forged from rubble

A new city emerges

Now we remember

Andenet :( said...

A Unforgeting Experince

Plane though the sky
City of peace destoryed
BOOM!! evrything gone

Anton Aish said...

No more Classroom

Peaceful quiet room
Atomic bomb hits Darkness
Crushed under rubble

Sai said...

hello people..............;)))

Jawal said...

Years later it comes,
Radiation spreads throughout,
Cancer kills people.

Sai said...

how are you guys having fun there!!!

Heeni said...

Atomic bomb drops
Chaos everywhere fire
Toxic gas fills lungs