Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Languages Assessment.... Hints:-)

Hi team,

So this Friday is your end of year assessment for languages.
I hope that you have been revising over the past two weeks and made some notes after our warm up test the other day. Anyway I thought I would give you a few hints....

Maori, Japanese and French:

Greetings, numbers, self introduction, brief customs, flags, general knowledge.

Good luck with the study!!


Monday, 19 November 2012

It's All About Me!!!

Hi team,

This week we are going to continue our poetry focus and write a Bio Poem about ourselves, someone we know really well. The goal is to challenge the reader so that they have to try to guess who the poem is about based on the information you share. Try to think of interesting, thoughtful statements about yourself. Perhaps things from when you were really young up until now. The more creative, the better!

Below are the sentence starters. You must follow them in exactly this order and complete sentences for each starter.
I am …
My life is …
I believe …
I have touched …
I have heard …
I have smelt …
I have seen …
I dont understand …
I detest …
I used to …
I love …
I used to love …
I have lost …
I am looking forward to …
I am a …
My name is…

Here is an example of some ideas:

I am … an educator.
My life is … wonderful!!
I believe … that you can do anything you put your mind to.
I have touched … the pristine white sands of an Okinawa beach.
I have heard … my favourite band, The Foo Fighters - live!
I have smelt … some of NZ's purest air in Milford Sound.
I have seen … the sun reflect off the Golden Pavillion in Kyoto, Japan.
I dont understand … why people go to war...
I detest … lazy people!!
I used to … be shy.
I love … watching my students succeed:-)
I used to love … making fortresses and pretending I was in the army when I was a child
I have lost … touch with some of my old friends
I am looking forward to … my friend's wedding in Tokyo in 2013!
I am a … hard worker
My name is… Matthew Chong

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Learning Languages

This year we have looked at the languages of Maori, Japanese and French. It is important to begin learning languages at Intermediate School so that when you get to high school you have some idea about what language you want to learn.

As part of being a New Zealander you need to embrace the Maori language and culture and as part of being a Balmoral student you need to learn the school Karakia.

You will be assessed for your report during this week and next week so make sure you do plenty of revision.

May the force be with you!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Haiku Poems From Hiroshima

Hi team,

As I said today we need more Haiku's for our awesome book!! Keep them coming and first in first served. It might be nice to write some poems about the beauty of Hiroshima before the bomb and also after the bomb when the city was rebuilt.

Happy writing:-)

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Water Water Everywhere!!

What an awesome day today at our first Waterwise Session!
Here are a few photos from the action....