Tuesday, 16 October 2012

One Size Does Not Fit All...

Today we read an article about a student from Christchurch who has a learning difference call Dyspraxia that affects the planning of his movements and coordination. 
As a result of this he finds it difficult working within the National Standards Testing System which labels him as Below even though in his words he is "not dumb."

Address a letter to - The Minister of Education - expressing your feelings on this issue with links to your own learning. Sign it at the bottom (first name only).

We will discuss this further in Philosophy this week.

Here is the link to the article


Aidan said...

To the ministry of education

I am Aidan Falconer and I think the National Standards for school work should not be based on just a single test, but be based on your overall score. there should not be a time limit for tests because people with learning differances can do the questions just cant think as fast as others.

Milo said...

Dear Minister of Education

I disagree with the national standards testing system because. 13Year old Adam has dyspraxia, a condition that affects the planning of his movements and co-ordination.
He needs more time to sit exams. If he could answer verbally he would get a higher result but the nation standards don't allow that. When I do ICAN I answer the question in my head, when I write it down the next question is there and then it's not. It is to fast. Then I'm marked on a quarter filled sheet it is just not fair on me and other people with learning differences.


Anton said...

Dear minister of education

Hi I'm Anton Jared Aish and I would like to talk to you about the nation standard for New Zealand schools. I believe that the nation standards is bad beacause it is designed to mark you at below at or above based on 1 test. The problem is that everyone learns differently. So people that learn different like 13 year old Adam who had dyspraxia a condtion that affects planning of his movment and co-ordination because of his condtion he needs more time to plan and write down what he thinks. So he can't finnsh and get marked below because he ran out of time. If we could answer verbally or have more time he could have finnsh and got marked by what he could do not how fast he could work.


Seamus said...

To the minister of education,

I believe that the National Standards Testing System is an unfair judge of intellect and should be able to accommodate for people with minor learning disabilities. Times should be adjustable to suit certain individuals needs so that they can be assessed separately. People with learning disabilities are often sensitive to ridicule and as such standardized testing may actually hinder their learning. In conclusion I think standardized testing should be revisited and changed to accommodate for students who have learning disabilities.


Sai said...

Dear minister of Education

Hi I'm Sai I believe that the nationals standard testing for normal students,are very good.But for the students like 13 year old Adam,who is suffering from Dyspraxia which affects their planning of movements and coordination,in this condition he needs more time to sit exams and if he was to answer questions verbally he would get higher marks .I believe that these students should get different activitys to test what level they are at.


Connor said...

Dear Ministry of Education
I am Connor Roulston, and I am a year 7 at Balmoral school. I am dyslexic and I find the national standards testing system is very unfair, I find it very challenging for my dyslexic brain. I have to pay extra money to go to a special tutor to help with my learning. I might get a below in all my tests, but for me and my dyslexia that would be an archived. I think the National standards testing system should be looked at and changed for sustain learning disabilities.


Unknown said...

Dear Minister of education,

My Name is Nathan Smith and I think the national standards testing system is really unfair because for one, one test doesn't record all the students knowledge and 2, some people have troubles and sometimes need more time, so I think that you need to give more time for the students with troubles for example dyspraxia.


Yonas said...

Dear Ministry of Education
Hello I am Yonas,and after I heard a speech on a boy who is diagnosed with dyslexic today at school The first thing that I thought was how will he be able to pass his test due to the learning habits in new zealand they must of gave him a teacher to read the questions.But then when my teacher stared to read further I heard that they wouldn't allow that here so then I just thought how unfair was that to this boy.

Callum said...

Dear Ministry of Education
My name is Callum. I think that the school testing system is vary bad because one test does not apply to all the students knowledge. Then they get a low score. They could at lest help him with some stuff on the test.

Thomas said...

hi my name is Thomas and i think that the national testing system is a bit unfair and that kids that are diagnosed with stuff like dislexcia,dispraxcia and much more and i think they could do better if they got a bit more time instead of getting an okay score i hope you have read this and thought about it and maybe change it.

ROSIE!!! said...

Dear Ministry of Education,
I am writing to concern you about the national Standards Testing System.Beacause people have different ways of teaching and learning and no two people are the same. It is an unfair system and should be changed everybody has different requirements and needs.

Yours Sincerely,

Jawal said...

Dear Minister of Education

Hi, my name is Jawal and i'm highly concerned with the national standards of testing. Because the people that have learning difference like Dyspraxia are unable to get good scores in tests within the time given, and that is really unfair. The I CAN test is too fast for students with Dyspraxia. I think the test result shouldn't rely on only one test but overall score in the year.I don't mean to tell you that keep a different test for Dyspraxia students, but just saying to extend time of these sort of tests.


Silina said...

To the Minister of Education

I think that the national standards testing system is really unfair, because children with learning differences and are diagnosed with dyspraxia should be given more time because one test shouldn't record weather a child that has this kind of disease is said to be dumb.

Andenet said...

Dear Ministrey of Education

hello my name is Andenet Welelaw and i disagree of whatyou think of Adam.Being a slow learner does't change enything. All he needsis to do some extra work at home maybe needs 1 hour per day will change a bit. So the main thing is that i disagree of what you thing of him. HE DISERVES BETTER THAN THIS PEOPLE!!!!!

By: Andenet Welelaw

Alec said...

Dear Minister of education

I think children in New Zealand should be able to choose the Type of tests that they undergo e.g people who are dyslexic should get scribe were they verbally communicate with there scribe and people with dyspraxia get longer periods of time.

Sam said...

Dear Ministry of Education
My name is Sam Beadle. I think the national standards testing system is unfair to people with learning differences such as 13 year old Adam from Christchurch who has a learning difference called dyspraxia. Dyspraxia affects the planning of his movement and coordination. As a result he found working with the national standards testing system more difficult. He finds it difficult because he wastes a lot of energy writing down the answer on the page so he doesn’t have enough time to regain that energy. But if he was able to answer the questions verbally and had more time he wouldn’t be referred to as below or dumb because he had the tests done efficiently to his needs. I think the national standards testing system should be revisited and changed for the sake of children’s ability to sit the test.

Carlos said...

i think it is bad that this kid has dispraxia and when he does a bad test he gets rated below.He should get more time in tests so he can work to his best standard.

Gary said...

Dear Minister of Education
I think that the national standards testing system is not do good because not everyone is the same.there is a 13 year old boy in Christchurch called Adam that has a condition called Dyspraxia. Adam should get more time to do his tests as Dyspraxia affects the planning of his movement and coordination.

Amelia said...

Dear minister of education
I think that the condition that Adam has should get more time on his school.So the national standard testing system is not good because Adam need's more time on his test. Cause the condition he has is dyspraxia which affect his planning of his movements and co-ordination. So I disagree with with the National standard testing system some kids with this kind of condition should get more time.