Monday, 9 August 2010

Our Right To Privacy

Last week our class watched and analysed the movie Enemy of the State, a spy-thriller about a group of rogue NSA agents who kill a Congressman in a political-related murder, and then try to cover up the murder by destroying evidence and intimidating witnesses. Robert Dean, played by Will Smith, is inadvertently caught up in the mess when he is given a video tape of the murder. As a result his entire life is hacked into and he is incriminated in the murder. Our focus was looking at the technological advancement of government agencies and how they use technology to supposedly "keep us safe." With such technology all around us these days, any time we swipe our eftpos card or shop online we leave our digital fingerprint and when we walk through customs at the airport our photograph and fingerprint are taken and then logged in a database. Is it going to get to the point where we have no privacy at all?? Post a comment and let us know what you think.


Masumi said...

Well, i think everyone has the right to privacy because every human being has a right to have respect for private and family life.

Hrishi said...

I think that privacy can be invaded to a certain point because sometimes secrets and lies lead to things like conspiracies.

On the other hand not all our life should be an open book.

On the other, other hand people can invade your private life if the person who wants to get the truth out of you has a legit search warrant.


Jakob said...

I don't think that it's right that people can spy on and bug people as it is invading peoples privacy e.g congressman Albert in the movie.

CJ said...

enemy of the state was a cool movie to watch will smith was playing Robert Clayton dean but the guy who had the tape died its like a sad movie and cool movie

Owen said...

I agree with Jakob. I also don't think people should be spied on.

Riki said...

I think it's important to have some privacy and not have all these cameras and satellites watching us. I think cameras should only be used in certain situations like a murder.

Luke said...

I think that privacy is important to the human being.

Margaret-Rae said...

I think that privacy is a very important thing. many people take our privacy for granted we are actually very lucky to have it.
people should be respectful of our privacy by leaving us alone but I believe that if somebody has done something wrong and is in prison they should be bugged so that officers know where they are. not saying that it is discriminative to prisoners.

Ben said...

Yes privacy is good and we need to know this not always watch our every move

Claudia said...

I don't think that people should be able to invade our privacy by bugging them or having camera's on people 24/7 for no reason, but if its needed to catch criminals then maybe?

Mona said...

Everyone needs to have privacy and they shouldn't be spying and putting chips in their personal things to track them down, without their permission.

Katie said...

I think that its good that we have lots of cool technology but guys we shouldn't put against innocent poeple!!!

Katie said...

oh and privacy is a very good thing to have

Anonymous said...

14th Comment: We need to be able to have privacy