Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Ever Wish Your Name Was On A Billboard??

This weeks challenge is to find an existing logo and incorporate your name (first or last) into it. Use the design of the existing layout and make it as authentic as possible.
Sounds like fun right?! Let your creativeness flooowwwwww!

Due Wednesday 6th March

Here's a basic example:-)

Learning Korean....Gangnam Style!!!

Beginning this term we will be learning Korean language and culture from Miss April. Every Wednesday morning we have lessons that aim to develop our awareness of Korea and as we'll as learning the language.

Here are some :-)

Monday, 18 February 2013

Puzzle Time

This term we have challenged each other to solve unique puzzles that we designed during a Maths lesson. Each puzzle was made from a 20x20cm square and had to be cut into 5 pieces.

Some puzzles proved a lot trickier than expected and were even more difficult if the patterning was interesting too.

It was house against house for house points! Check out the action below.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Writing Articles

Home Learning Task

1.       Write a short (2 paragraphs – 3-4  sentences per paragraph) article that includes yourself as the main person, about something you have done (FICTION OR NON FICTION)
Eg. sport, spelling competition, food eating competition, music, science experiment
2.       Make sure you give enough information, as well as something interesting.
3.       Use newspaper article layout.

Here is my example

Local Auckland teacher, causes chaos in Britomart Square

12th February 2013

Local Auckland teacher, Matthew Chonginator caused mass chaos in Britomart Square over the weekend when he and a group of friends started a Gangnam Style flashmob.

Mr Chonginator and his group of Balmoral School teachers decided to perform to raise money for sufferers of the Christchurch earthquakes. “It was amazing”, Mr Chonginator said. “The crowd got really into it and because of the popularity of PSY’s song, most people knew the dance moves.”